Theory Model_Enumeration

theory Model_Enumeration
imports Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation Wellfounded_More
theory Model_Enumeration
  imports Entailment_Definition.Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation

lemma Ex_sat_model:
  assumes ‹satisfiable (set_mset N)›
  shows ‹∃M. set M ⊨sm N ∧
           distinct M ∧
           consistent_interp (set M) ∧
           atm_of ` set M ⊆ atms_of_mm N›
proof -
  from assms obtain I where
    I_N: ‹I ⊨sm N› and
    consistent: ‹consistent_interp I› and
    ‹total_over_m I (set_mset N)› and
    atms_I_N: ‹atm_of ` I = atms_of_mm N›
    unfolding satisfiable_def_min by blast
  have ‹I ⊆ Pos ` (atms_of_mm N) ∪ Neg ` (atms_of_mm N)›
    using atms_I_N
    by (smt in_set_image_subsetD literal.exhaust_sel subsetI sup_ge1 sup_ge2)
  then have ‹finite I›
    using infinite_super by fastforce
  then obtain I' where I': ‹I = set I'› and dist: ‹distinct I'›
    using finite_distinct_list by force
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule exI[of _ I'])
    using I_N dist consistent atms_I_N by (auto simp: I')

definition all_models where
  ‹all_models N = {M. set M ⊨sm N ∧ consistent_interp (set M) ∧
    distinct M ∧ atm_of ` set M ⊆ atms_of_mm N}›

lemma finite_all_models:
  ‹finite (all_models N)›
proof -
  let ?n = ‹Pos ` (atms_of_mm N) ∪ Neg ` (atms_of_mm N)›
  have H: ‹all_models N ⊆ {M. set M ⊆ ?n ∧ length M ≤ card ?n}›
    unfolding all_models_def
    apply (auto dest: imageI[of _ _ atm_of])
     apply (metis contra_subsetD image_eqI literal.exhaust_sel)
    by (smt atms_of_ms_finite card_mono distinct_card finite_Un finite_imageI
        finite_set_mset image_subset_iff literal.exhaust_sel subsetI sup_ge1 sup_ge2)
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule finite_subset)
     apply (rule H)
    apply (rule finite_lists_length_le)
    apply auto

inductive next_model where
  ‹set M ⊨sm N ⟹ distinct M ⟹ consistent_interp (set M) ⟹
           atm_of ` set M ⊆ atms_of_mm N ⟹ next_model M N›

lemma image_mset_uminus_eq_image_mset_uminus_literals[simp]:
  ‹image_mset uminus M' = image_mset uminus M ⟷ M = M'› for M :: ‹'v clause›
  by (auto simp:inj_image_mset_eq_iff inj_def)

  fixes P :: ‹'v literal set ⇒ bool›

inductive next_model_filtered  :: ‹'v literal list option × 'v literal multiset multiset
         ⇒ 'v literal list option × 'v literal multiset multiset
            ⇒ bool› where
  ‹next_model M N ⟹ P (set M) ⟹ next_model_filtered (None, N) (Some M, N)› |
  ‹next_model M N ⟹ ¬P (set M) ⟹ next_model_filtered (None, N) (None, add_mset (image_mset uminus (mset M)) N)›

lemma next_model_filtered_mono:
  ‹next_model_filtered a b ⟹ snd a ⊆# snd b›
  by (induction rule: next_model_filtered.induct) auto

lemma rtranclp_next_model_filtered_mono:
  ‹next_model_filtered** a b ⟹ snd a ⊆# snd b›
  by (induction rule: rtranclp_induct) (auto dest: next_model_filtered_mono)

lemma next_filtered_same_atoms:
  ‹next_model_filtered a b ⟹ atms_of_mm (snd b) = atms_of_mm (snd a)›
  by (induction rule: next_model_filtered.induct) (auto simp: next_model.simps atms_of_def)

lemma rtranclp_next_filtered_same_atoms:
  ‹next_model_filtered** a b ⟹ atms_of_mm (snd b) = atms_of_mm (snd a)›
  by (induction rule: rtranclp_induct) (auto simp: next_filtered_same_atoms)

lemma next_model_filtered_next_modelD:
  ‹next_model_filtered a b ⟹ M ∈# snd b - snd a ⟹ M = image_mset uminus (mset M') ⟹
   next_model M' (snd a)›
  by (induction arbitrary: M M' rule: next_model_filtered.induct)
    (auto simp: next_model.simps distinct_mset_mset_distinct[symmetric]
      dest: mset_eq_setD
      simp del: distinct_mset_mset_distinct)

lemma rtranclp_next_model_filtered_next_modelD:
  ‹next_model_filtered** a b ⟹ M ∈# snd b - snd a ⟹ M = image_mset uminus (mset M') ⟹
   next_model M' (snd a)›
proof (induction arbitrary: M M' rule: rtranclp_induct)
  case base
  then show ?case by auto
  case (step y z) note star = this(1) and step = this(2) and IH = this(3) and M_in = this(4) and
    M = this(5)
    ‹M ∈# snd y - snd a› |
    ‹M ∈# snd z - snd y›
    using step star M_in
    by (smt rtranclp_next_model_filtered_mono add_diff_cancel_right
        in_multiset_minus_notin_snd rtranclp.rtrancl_into_rtrancl subset_mset.diff_add)
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case 1
    show ?thesis
      by (rule IH[OF 1 M])
    case 2
    then show ?thesis
      using step rtranclp_next_model_filtered_mono[OF star] rtranclp_next_filtered_same_atoms[OF star]
      unfolding subset_mset.le_iff_add
      by (force simp: next_model_filtered.simps M next_model.simps
          dest: mset_eq_setD
          simp del: distinct_mset_mset_distinct)

lemma rtranclp_next_model_filtered_next_false:
  ‹next_model_filtered** a b ⟹ M ∈# snd b - snd a ⟹ M = image_mset uminus (mset M') ⟹
   ¬P (uminus ` set_mset M)›
proof (induction arbitrary: M M' rule: rtranclp_induct)
  case base
  then show ?case by auto
  case (step y z) note star = this(1) and step = this(2) and IH = this(3) and M_in = this(4) and
    M = this(5)
    ‹M ∈# snd y - snd a› |
    ‹M ∈# snd z - snd y›
    using step star M_in
    by (smt rtranclp_next_model_filtered_mono add_diff_cancel_right
        in_multiset_minus_notin_snd rtranclp.rtrancl_into_rtrancl subset_mset.diff_add)
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case 1
    show ?thesis
      by (rule IH[OF 1 M])
    case 2
    then show ?thesis
      using step rtranclp_next_model_filtered_mono[OF star] rtranclp_next_filtered_same_atoms[OF star]
      unfolding subset_mset.le_iff_add
      by (force simp: next_model_filtered.simps M next_model.simps
          distinct_mset_mset_distinct[symmetric] image_image
          dest: mset_eq_setD
          simp del: distinct_mset_mset_distinct)

lemma next_model_decreasing:
    ‹next_model M N›
  shows ‹(add_mset (image_mset uminus (mset M)) N, N)
         ∈ measure (λN. card (all_models N))›
proof -
  have ‹M ∈ all_models N›
    using assms unfolding all_models_def
    by (auto simp: true_clss_def true_cls_mset_def next_model.simps)
  moreover {
    have ‹¬ set M ⊨ image_mset uminus (mset M)›
      using assms unfolding true_cls_def all_models_def
      by (auto simp: true_clss_def consistent_interp_def next_model.simps)
    then have ‹M ∉ all_models (add_mset (image_mset uminus (mset M)) N)›
      unfolding all_models_def by (auto elim!: simp: true_clss_def)
  moreover {
    have ‹atm_of ` uminus ` set M ∪ atms_of_ms (set_mset N) = atms_of_ms (set_mset N)›
      using assms unfolding true_cls_def all_models_def
      by (auto simp: true_clss_def consistent_interp_def atms_of_def next_model.simps)
    then have ‹all_models (add_mset (image_mset uminus (mset M)) N) ⊆ all_models N›
      using assms unfolding all_models_def
      by (auto simp: atms_of_def)
  ultimately have ‹all_models (add_mset (image_mset uminus (mset M)) N) ⊂ all_models N›
    by auto
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: finite_all_models psubset_card_mono)

lemma next_model_decreasing':
    ‹next_model M N›
  shows ‹((P, add_mset (image_mset uminus (mset M)) N), P, N)
         ∈ measure (λ(P, N). card (all_models N))›
  using next_model_decreasing[OF assms] by auto

lemma wf_next_model_filtered:
  ‹wf {(y, x). next_model_filtered x y}›
proof -
  have ‹wf {(y, x). True ∧ next_model_filtered x y}›
    by (rule wfP_if_measure[of ‹λ_. True› next_model_filtered
          ‹λN. (if fst N = None then 1 else 0) + card (all_models (snd N))›])
      (auto dest: next_model_decreasing simp: next_model_filtered.simps)
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding wfP_def
    by simp

lemma no_step_next_model_filtered_unsat:
  assumes ‹no_step next_model_filtered (None, N)›
  shows ‹unsatisfiable (set_mset N)›
  by (metis Ex_sat_model Model_Enumeration.next_model_filtered.simps
      assms next_model.intros)

lemma unsat_no_step_next_model_filtered:
  assumes ‹unsatisfiable (set_mset N)›
  shows ‹no_step next_model_filtered (None, N)›
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) next_model_filtered.simps assms
      next_model.cases satisfiable_carac' snd_conv)

lemma full_next_model_filtered_no_distinct_model:
    no_model:  ‹full next_model_filtered (None, N) (None, N')› and
    filter_mono: ‹⋀M M'. set M ⊨sm N ⟹ consistent_interp (set M) ⟹ set M' ⊨sm N ⟹
      distinct M ⟹ distinct M' ⟹ set M ⊆ set M' ⟹ P (set M) ⟷ P (set M')›
    ‹∄M. set M ⊨sm N ∧ P (set M) ∧ consistent_interp (set M) ∧ distinct M›
proof clarify
  fix M
    M_N: ‹set M ⊨m N› and
    P_M: ‹P (set M)› and
    consistent: ‹consistent_interp (set M)› and
    dist_M: ‹distinct M›
  have st: ‹next_model_filtered** (None, N) (None, N')› and
    ns: ‹no_step next_model_filtered (None, N')›
    using no_model unfolding full_def by blast+
  define Ms where ‹Ms = N' - N›
  then have N'[simp]: ‹N' = N + Ms›
    using rtranclp_next_model_filtered_mono[OF st] by auto
  have ‹unsatisfiable (set_mset N')›
    using ns by (rule no_step_next_model_filtered_unsat)
  then have ‹¬set M ⊨m Ms›
    using consistent M_N by (auto simp: satisfiable_carac[symmetric])
  then obtain M' where
    M'_MS: ‹M' ∈# Ms› and
    M_M': ‹¬set M ⊨ M'›
    by (auto simp: true_cls_mset_def)
  obtain M'' where
    [simp]: ‹M' = mset M''›
    using ex_mset[of M'] by auto
  let ?M'' = ‹map uminus M''›
  have ‹next_model ?M'' (snd (None :: 'v literal list option, N))›
    apply (rule rtranclp_next_model_filtered_next_modelD[OF st, of M'])
    using M'_MS by auto
  then have
    cons': ‹consistent_interp (set ?M'')› and
    M''_N: ‹set ?M'' ⊨sm N› and
    dist_M'': ‹distinct ?M''›
    unfolding next_model.simps by auto

  let ?I = ‹remdups (M @ ?M'')›
  have cons_I: ‹consistent_interp (set ?I)›
    using M_M' consistent cons' by (auto simp: consistent_interp_def true_cls_def)

  have ‹P (set ?I)›
    using filter_mono[of M ‹?I›] cons' M''_N M_N consistent dist_M'' dist_M P_M
    by auto
  then have ‹P (uminus ` (set M''))›
    using filter_mono[of ‹?M''› ?I] cons' M''_N M_N consistent dist_M'' dist_M P_M cons_I
    by auto
  then show False
    using rtranclp_next_model_filtered_next_false[OF st, of M' ?M''] M'_MS by auto

lemma full_next_model_filtered_no_model:
    no_model:  ‹full next_model_filtered (None, N) (None, N')› and
    filter_mono: ‹⋀M M'. set M ⊨sm N ⟹ consistent_interp (set M) ⟹ set M' ⊨sm N ⟹
      distinct M ⟹ distinct M' ⟹ set M ⊆ set M' ⟹ P (set M) ⟷ P (set M')›
    ‹∄M. set M ⊨sm N ∧ P (set M) ∧ consistent_interp (set M)›
    (is ‹∄M. ?P M›)
proof -
  have H: ‹(∃M. ?P M) ⟷ (∃M. set M ⊨sm N ∧ P (set M) ∧ consistent_interp (set M) ∧ distinct M)›
    by (auto intro: exI[of _ ‹remdups _›])
  show ?thesis
    apply (subst H)
    apply (rule full_next_model_filtered_no_distinct_model)
     apply (rule no_model)
    apply (rule filter_mono; assumption)


lemma no_step_next_model_filtered_next_model_iff:
  ‹fst S = None ⟹ no_step (next_model_filtered P) S ⟷ (∄M. next_model M (snd S))›
  apply (cases S; auto simp: next_model_filtered.simps)
  by metis

lemma Ex_next_model_iff_statisfiable:
  ‹(∃M. next_model M N) ⟷ satisfiable (set_mset N)›
  by (metis no_step_next_model_filtered_next_model_iff
      next_model.cases no_step_next_model_filtered_unsat prod.sel(1) prod.sel(2) satisfiable_carac')

lemma unsat_no_step_next_model_filtered':
  assumes ‹unsatisfiable (set_mset (snd S)) ∨ fst S ≠ None›
  shows ‹no_step (next_model_filtered P) S›
  using assms
  apply cases
  apply (auto dest: unsat_no_step_next_model_filtered)
   apply (metis Ex_next_model_iff_statisfiable fst_conv next_model_filtered.simps
  by (metis Pair_inject next_model_filtered.cases option.simps(3) prod.collapse)
