Theory Array_Array_List64

theory Array_Array_List64
imports IICF_Array_List64
theory Array_Array_List64
  imports Array_Array_List IICF_Array_List64

subsection ‹Array of Array Lists of maximum length \<^term>‹uint64_max››

definition length_aa64 :: ‹('a::heap array_list64) array ⇒ uint64 ⇒ uint64 Heap› where
  ‹length_aa64 xs i = do {
     x ← nth_u64_code xs i;
    arl64_length x}›

lemma arrayO_assn_Array_nth[sep_heap_rules]:
  ‹b < length xs ⟹
    <arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) xs a> Array.nth a b
    <λp. arrayO_except_assn (arl64_assn R) [b] xs a (λp'. ↑(p=p'!b))*
     arl64_assn R (xs ! b) (p)>›
  unfolding length_aa64_def nth_u64_code_def Array.nth'_def
  apply (subst arrayO_except_assn_array0_index[symmetric, of b])
  apply simp
  unfolding arrayO_except_assn_def arl_assn_def hr_comp_def
  apply (sep_auto simp: arrayO_except_assn_def arl_length_def arl_assn_def arl64_assn_def
      eq_commute[of ‹(_, _)›] is_array_list64_def hr_comp_def length_ll_def array_assn_def
      is_array_def uint64_nat_rel_def br_def
      dest: list_all2_lengthD split: prod.splits)

lemma arl64_length[sep_heap_rules]:
  ‹<arl64_assn R b a> arl64_length a< λr. arl64_assn R b a * ↑(nat_of_uint64 r = length b)>›
  by (sep_auto simp: arrayO_except_assn_def arl_length_def arl_assn_def arl64_assn_def
    eq_commute[of ‹(_, _)›] is_array_list64_def hr_comp_def length_ll_def array_assn_def
    is_array_def uint64_nat_rel_def br_def arl64_length_def list_rel_imp_same_length[symmetric]
    dest: list_all2_lengthD split: prod.splits)

lemma length_aa64_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
    ‹b < length xs ⟹ (b', b) ∈ uint64_nat_rel ⟹ <arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) xs a> length_aa64 a b'
    <λr. arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) xs a * ↑ (nat_of_uint64 r = length_ll xs b)>t
  unfolding length_aa64_def nth_u64_code_def Array.nth'_def
  apply (sep_auto simp flip: nat_of_uint64_code simp: br_def uint64_nat_rel_def length_ll_def)
  apply (subst arrayO_except_assn_array0_index[symmetric, of b])
  apply (simp add: nat_of_uint64_code br_def uint64_nat_rel_def)
  apply (sep_auto simp: arrayO_except_assn_def)

lemma length_aa64_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]: ‹(uncurry length_aa64, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ length_ll)) ∈
     [λ(xs, i). i < length xs]a (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))k *a uint64_nat_assnk → uint64_nat_assn›
  by sepref_to_hoare (sep_auto simp: uint64_nat_rel_def br_def)

lemma arl64_get_hnr[sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes ‹(n', n) ∈ uint64_nat_rel› and ‹n < length a› and ‹CONSTRAINT is_pure R›
  shows ‹<arl64_assn R a b>
       arl64_get b n'
     <λr. arl64_assn R a b * R (a ! n) r>›
proof -
  obtain A' where
    A: ‹pure A' = R›
    using assms pure_the_pure by auto
  then have A': ‹the_pure R = A'›
      by auto
  show ?thesis
    using param_nth[of n a n ‹take (nat_of_uint64 (snd b)) _› ‹the_pure R›, simplified] assms
    unfolding arl64_get_def arl64_assn_def nth_u64_code_def Array.nth'_def
    by (sep_auto simp flip: nat_of_uint64_code A simp: br_def uint64_nat_rel_def hr_comp_def
       is_array_list64_def list_rel_imp_same_length[symmetric] pure_app_eq dest:
     split: prod.splits)

definition nth_aa64 where
  ‹nth_aa64 xs i j = do {
      x ← Array.nth xs i;
      y ← arl64_get x j;
      return y}›

lemma nth_aa64_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  assumes p: ‹CONSTRAINT is_pure R›
    ‹(uncurry2 nth_aa64, uncurry2 (RETURN ∘∘∘ nth_ll)) ∈
       [λ((l,i),j). i < length l ∧ j < length_ll l i]a
       (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))k *a nat_assnk *a uint64_nat_assnk → R›
proof -
  obtain R' where R: ‹the_pure R = R'› and R': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  have H: ‹list_all2 (λx x'. (x, x') ∈ the_pure (λa c. ↑ ((c, a) ∈ R'))) bc (a ! ba) ⟹
       b < length (a ! ba) ⟹
       (bc ! b, a ! ba ! b) ∈ R'› for bc a ba b
    by (auto simp add: ent_refl_true list_all2_conv_all_nth is_pure_alt_def pure_app_eq[symmetric])
  show ?thesis
    using p
    apply sepref_to_hoare
    apply (sep_auto simp: nth_aa64_def length_ll_def nth_ll_def)
    apply (subst arrayO_except_assn_array0_index[symmetric, of ba])
    apply simp
    apply (sep_auto simp: arrayO_except_assn_def arrayO_assn_def arl64_assn_def hr_comp_def list_rel_def
      star_aci(3) R R' pure_def H)

definition append64_el_aa :: "('a::{default,heap} array_list64) array ⇒
  nat ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a array_list64) array Heap"where
"append64_el_aa ≡ λa i x. do {
  j ← Array.nth a i;
  a' ← arl64_append j x;
  Array.upd i a' a

declare arrayO_nth_rule[sep_heap_rules]

lemma sep_auto_is_stupid:
  fixes R :: ‹'a ⇒ 'b::{heap,default} ⇒ assn›
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R› and ‹length l' < uint64_max›
    ‹<∃Ap. R1 p * R2 p * arl64_assn R l' aa * R x x' * R4 p>
       arl64_append aa x' <λr. (∃Ap. arl64_assn R (l' @ [x]) r * R1 p * R2 p * R x x' * R4 p * true) >›
proof -
  obtain R' where R: ‹the_pure R = R'› and R': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  have bbi: ‹(x', x) ∈ the_pure R› if
    ‹(aa, bb) ⊨ is_array_list64 (ba @ [x']) (a, baa) * R1 p * R2 p * pure R' x x' * R4 p * true›
    for aa bb a ba baa p
    using that by (auto simp: mod_star_conv R R')
  show ?thesis
    using assms(2)
    unfolding arl_assn_def hr_comp_def
    by (sep_auto simp: list_rel_def R R' arl64_assn_def hr_comp_def list_all2_lengthD
       intro!: list_all2_appendI dest!: bbi)

lemma append_aa64_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  fixes R ::  ‹'a ⇒ 'b :: {heap, default} ⇒ assn›
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R›
    ‹(uncurry2 append64_el_aa, uncurry2 (RETURN ∘∘∘ append_ll)) ∈
     [λ((l,i),x). i < length l ∧ length (l ! i) < uint64_max]a (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))d *a nat_assnk *a Rk → (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))›
proof -
  obtain R' where R: ‹the_pure R = R'› and R': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  have [simp]: ‹(∃Ax. arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) a ai * R x r * true * ↑ (x = a ! ba ! b)) =
     (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) a ai * R (a ! ba ! b) r * true)› for a ai ba b r
    by (auto simp: ex_assn_def)
  show ?thesis ― ‹TODO tune proof›
    apply sepref_to_hoare
    apply (sep_auto simp: append64_el_aa_def)
     apply (simp add: arrayO_except_assn_def)
     apply (rule sep_auto_is_stupid[OF p])
    apply simp
    apply (sep_auto simp: array_assn_def is_array_def append_ll_def)
    apply (simp add: arrayO_except_assn_array0[symmetric] arrayO_except_assn_def)
    apply (subst_tac (2) i = ba in heap_list_all_nth_remove1)
     apply (solves ‹simp›)
    apply (simp add: array_assn_def is_array_def)
    apply (rule_tac x=‹p[ba := (ab, bc)]› in ent_ex_postI)
    apply (subst_tac (2)xs'=a and ys'=p in heap_list_all_nth_cong)
      apply (solves ‹auto›)+
    apply sep_auto

definition update_aa64 :: "('a::{heap} array_list64) array ⇒ nat ⇒ uint64 ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a array_list64) array Heap" where
  ‹update_aa64 a i j y = do {
      x ← Array.nth a i;
      a' ← arl64_set x j y;
      Array.upd i a' a
    }› ― ‹is the Array.upd really needed?›

declare nth_rule[sep_heap_rules del]
declare arrayO_nth_rule[sep_heap_rules]

lemma arrayO_except_assn_arl_set[sep_heap_rules]:
  fixes R :: ‹'a ⇒ 'b :: {heap}⇒ assn›
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R› and ‹bb < length a› and
     ‹ba < length_ll a bb› and ‹(ba' , ba) ∈ uint64_nat_rel›
  shows ‹
       <arrayO_except_assn (arl64_assn R) [bb] a ai
         (λp'. ↑ ((aa, bc) = p' ! bb)) *
        arl64_assn R (a ! bb) (aa, bc) *
        R b bi>
       arl64_set (aa, bc) ba' bi
      <λ(aa, bc). arrayO_except_assn (arl64_assn R) [bb] a ai
        (λr'. arl64_assn R ((a ! bb)[ba := b]) (aa, bc)) * R b bi * true>›
proof -
  obtain R' where R: ‹the_pure R = R'› and R': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    apply (sep_auto simp: arrayO_except_assn_def arl64_assn_def hr_comp_def list_rel_imp_same_length
        list_rel_update length_ll_def)

lemma Array_upd_arrayO_except_assn[sep_heap_rules]:
    ‹bb < length a› and
    ‹ba < length_ll a bb› and ‹(ba', ba) ∈ uint64_nat_rel›
  shows ‹<arrayO_except_assn (arl64_assn R) [bb] a ai
         (λr'. arl64_assn R xu (aa, bc)) *
        R b bi *
       Array.upd bb (aa, bc) ai
       <λr. ∃Ax. R b bi * arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) x r * true *
                  ↑ (x = a[bb := xu])>›
proof -
  have H[simp, intro]: ‹ba ≤ length l'›
      ‹ba ≤ length (a ! bb)› and
      aa: ‹(take n' l', a ! bb) ∈ ⟨the_pure R⟩list_rel›
    for l' :: ‹'b list› and n'
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      using list_rel_imp_same_length[OF aa] that assms(3)
      by (auto simp: uint64_nat_rel_def br_def list_rel_imp_same_length[symmetric])
  have [simp]: ‹(take ba l', take ba (a ! bb)) ∈ ⟨the_pure R⟩list_rel›
      ‹ba ≤ length (a ! bb)› and
      ‹n' ≤ length l'› and
      take: ‹(take n' l', a ! bb) ∈ ⟨the_pure R⟩list_rel›
    for l' :: ‹'b list› and n'
  proof -
    have [simp]: ‹n' = length (a ! bb)›
      using list_rel_imp_same_length[OF take] that by auto
    have 1: ‹take ba l' = take ba (take n' l')›
      using that by (auto simp: min_def)
    show ?thesis
      using take
      unfolding 1
      by (rule list_rel_take)

  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding arrayO_except_assn_def
    apply (subst (2) arl64_assn_def)
    apply (subst is_array_list64_def[abs_def])
    apply (subst hr_comp_def[abs_def])
    apply (subst array_assn_def)
    apply (subst is_array_def[abs_def])
    apply (subst hr_comp_def[abs_def])
    apply sep_auto
    apply (subst arrayO_except_assn_array0_index[symmetric, of bb])
    apply (solves simp)
    unfolding arrayO_except_assn_def array_assn_def is_array_def
    apply (subst (3) arl64_assn_def)
    apply (subst is_array_list64_def[abs_def])
    apply (subst (2) hr_comp_def[abs_def])
    apply (subst ex_assn_move_out)+
    apply (rule_tac x=‹p[bb := (aa, bc)]› in ent_ex_postI)
    apply (rule_tac x=‹take (nat_of_uint64 bc) l'› in ent_ex_postI)
    apply (sep_auto simp: uint64_nat_rel_def br_def list_rel_imp_same_length intro!: split: prod.splits)
    apply (subst (2) heap_list_all_nth_cong[of _ _ a _ p])
    apply auto
    apply sep_auto

lemma update_aa64_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R› and ‹bb < length a› and ‹ba < length_ll a bb› ‹(ba', ba) ∈ uint64_nat_rel›
  shows ‹<R b bi * arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) a ai> update_aa64 ai bb ba' bi
      <λr. R b bi * (∃Ax. arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) x r * ↑ (x = update_ll a bb ba b))>t
  using assms
  by (sep_auto simp add: update_aa64_def update_ll_def p)

lemma update_aa_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  assumes ‹is_pure R›
  shows ‹(uncurry3 update_aa64, uncurry3 (RETURN oooo update_ll)) ∈
     [λ(((l,i), j), x). i < length l ∧ j < length_ll l i]a (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))d *a nat_assnk *a uint64_nat_assnk *a Rk → (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))›
  by sepref_to_hoare (sep_auto simp: assms)

definition last_aa64 :: "('a::heap array_list64) array ⇒ uint64 ⇒ 'a Heap" where
  ‹last_aa64 xs i = do {
     x ← nth_u64_code xs i;
     arl64_last x

lemma arl64_last_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R› ‹ai ≠ []›
  shows ‹<arl64_assn R ai a> arl64_last a
      <λr. arl64_assn R ai a * R (last ai) r>t
proof -
  obtain R' where R: ‹the_pure R = R'› and R': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  have [simp]: ‹⋀aa n l'.
       (take (nat_of_uint64 n) l', ai) ∈ ⟨the_pure R⟩list_rel ⟹
       l' ≠ [] ⟹ nat_of_uint64 n > 0›
    using assms by (cases ai; auto simp: min_def split: if_splits dest!: list_rel_imp_same_length[symmetric]
      simp flip: nat_of_uint64_le_iff simp: nat_of_uint64_ge_minus; fail)+
  have [simp]: ‹⋀aa n l'.
       (take (nat_of_uint64 n) l', ai) ∈ ⟨the_pure R⟩list_rel ⟹
       l' ≠ [] ⟹ nat_of_uint64 (n - 1) = nat_of_uint64 n - 1›
    using assms by (cases ai; auto simp: min_def split: if_splits dest!: list_rel_imp_same_length[symmetric]
      simp flip: nat_of_uint64_le_iff simp: nat_of_uint64_ge_minus; fail)+
  have [simp]: ‹⋀aa n l'.
       (take (nat_of_uint64 n) l', ai) ∈ ⟨the_pure R⟩list_rel ⟹
       nat_of_uint64 n ≤ length l' ⟹
       l' ≠ [] ⟹ length l' ≤ uint64_max ⟹ nat_of_uint64 n - Suc 0 < length l'›
    using assms by (cases ai; auto simp: min_def split: if_splits dest!: list_rel_imp_same_length[symmetric]
      simp flip: nat_of_uint64_le_iff)+
  have [intro!]: ‹(take (nat_of_uint64 n) l', ai) ∈ ⟨R'⟩list_rel ⟹
       a = (aa, n) ⟹
       nat_of_uint64 n ≤ length l' ⟹
       l' ≠ [] ⟹
       length l' ≤ uint64_max ⟹
       (aaa, b) ⊨ aa ↦a l' ⟹
       (l' ! (nat_of_uint64 n - Suc 0), ai ! (length ai - Suc 0)) ∈ R'› for aa n l' aaa b
     using assms
       nat_of_uint64_ge_minus[of 1 n] param_last[OF assms(2), of ‹take (nat_of_uint64 n) l'› R']
     by (auto simp: min_def R' last_conv_nth split: if_splits
     simp flip: nat_of_uint64_le_iff)
  show ?thesis
    using assms supply nth_rule[sep_heap_rules] apply -
    by (sep_auto simp add: update_aa64_def update_ll_def p arl64_last_def arl64_assn_def R'
       pure_app_eq last_take_nth_conv last_conv_nth
       nth_u64_code_def Array.nth'_def hr_comp_def is_array_list64_def nat_of_uint64_ge_minus
        simp flip: nat_of_uint64_code
    dest: list_rel_imp_same_length[symmetric])

lemma last_aa64_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
    p: ‹is_pure R› and
   ‹b < length a› and
   ‹a ! b ≠ []› and ‹(b', b) ∈ uint64_nat_rel›
   shows ‹
       <arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) a ai>
         last_aa64 ai b'
       <λr. arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) a ai * (∃Ax. R x r * ↑ (x = last_ll a b))>t
proof -
  obtain R' where R: ‹the_pure R = R'› and R': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  have ‹⋀b.
       b < length a ⟹ (b', b) ∈ uint64_nat_rel ⟹
       a ! b ≠ [] ⟹
       <arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) a ai>
         last_aa64 ai b'
       <λr. arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) a ai * (∃Ax. R x r * ↑ (x = last_ll a b))>t
    apply (sep_auto simp add: last_aa64_def last_ll_def assms nth_u64_code_def Array.nth'_def
        uint64_nat_rel_def br_def
      simp flip: nat_of_uint64_code)

    apply (sep_auto simp add: last_aa64_def arrayO_except_assn_def array_assn_def is_array_def
        hr_comp_def arl64_assn_def)
    apply (subst_tac i= ‹nat_of_uint64 b'› in arrayO_except_assn_array0_index[symmetric])
     apply (solves ‹simp›)
    apply (subst arrayO_except_assn_def)
    apply (auto simp add: last_aa_def arrayO_except_assn_def array_assn_def is_array_def hr_comp_def)

    apply (rule_tac x=‹p› in ent_ex_postI)
    apply (subst_tac (2)xs'=a and ys'=p in heap_list_all_nth_cong)
      apply (solves ‹auto›)
     apply (solves ‹auto›)

    apply (rule_tac x=‹ba› in ent_ex_postI)
    unfolding R unfolding R'
    apply (sep_auto simp: pure_def param_last)
  from this[of b] show ?thesis
    using assms unfolding R' by blast

lemma last_aa_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R›
  shows ‹(uncurry last_aa64, uncurry (RETURN oo last_ll)) ∈
     [λ(l,i). i < length l ∧ l ! i ≠ []]a (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))k *a uint64_nat_assnk → R›
proof -
  obtain R' where R: ‹the_pure R = R'› and R': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  show ?thesis
    using assms by sepref_to_hoare sep_auto

definition swap_aa64 :: "('a::heap array_list64) array ⇒ nat ⇒ uint64 ⇒ uint64 ⇒ ('a array_list64) array Heap" where
  ‹swap_aa64 xs k i j = do {
    xi ← nth_aa64 xs k i;
    xj ← nth_aa64 xs k j;
    xs ← update_aa64 xs k i xj;
    xs ← update_aa64 xs k j xi;
    return xs

lemma nth_aa64_heap[sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R› and ‹b < length aa› and ‹ba < length_ll aa b› and ‹(ba', ba) ∈ uint64_nat_rel›
  shows ‹
   <arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) aa a>
   nth_aa64 a b ba'
   <λr. ∃Ax. arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) aa a *
               (R x r *
                ↑ (x = nth_ll aa b ba)) *
proof -
  have ‹<arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) aa a>
       nth_aa64 a b ba'
       <λr. ∃Ax. arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) aa a *
                   R x r *
                   true *
                   ↑ (x = nth_ll aa b ba)>›
    using p assms nth_aa64_hnr[of R] unfolding hfref_def hn_refine_def nth_aa64_def pure_app_eq
    by auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding hoare_triple_def
    by (auto simp: Let_def pure_def)

lemma update_aa_rule_pure:
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R› and ‹b < length aa› and ‹ba < length_ll aa b› and
    ‹(ba', ba) ∈ uint64_nat_rel›
  shows ‹
   <arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) aa a * R be bb>
           update_aa64 a b ba' bb
           <λr. ∃Ax. invalid_assn (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R)) aa a * arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) x r *
                       true *
                       ↑ (x = update_ll aa b ba be)>›
proof -
  obtain R' where R': ‹R' = the_pure R› and RR': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  have bb: ‹pure R' be bb = ↑((bb, be) ∈ R')›
    by (auto simp: pure_def)
  have ‹<arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) aa a * R be bb>
           update_aa64 a b ba' bb
           <λr. ∃Ax. invalid_assn (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R)) aa a * nat_assn b b * nat_assn ba ba *
                       R be bb *
                       arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) x r *
                       true *
                       ↑ (x = update_ll aa b ba be)>›
    using p assms update_aa_hnr[of R] unfolding hfref_def hn_refine_def pure_app_eq
    by auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding R'[symmetric] unfolding hoare_triple_def RR' bb
    by (auto simp: Let_def pure_def)

lemma arl64_set_rule_arl64_assn: "
  i<length l ⟹ (i', i) ∈ uint64_nat_rel ⟹ (x', x) ∈ the_pure R ⟹
  <arl64_assn R l a>
    arl64_set a i' x'
  <arl64_assn R (l[i:=x])>"
  supply arl64_set_rule[where i=i, sep_heap_rules]
  by (sep_auto simp: arl64_assn_def hr_comp_def list_rel_imp_same_length
     split: prod.split simp flip: nat_of_uint64_code intro!: list_rel_update')

lemma swap_aa_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  assumes ‹is_pure R›
  shows ‹(uncurry3 swap_aa64, uncurry3 (RETURN oooo swap_ll)) ∈
   [λ(((xs, k), i), j). k < length xs ∧ i < length_ll xs k ∧ j < length_ll xs k]a
  (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))d *a nat_assnk *a uint64_nat_assnk *a uint64_nat_assnk → (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))›
proof -
  note update_aa_rule_pure[sep_heap_rules]
  obtain R' where R': ‹R' = the_pure R› and RR': ‹R = pure R'›
    using assms by fastforce
  have [simp]: ‹the_pure (λa b. ↑ ((b, a) ∈ R')) = R'›
    unfolding pure_def[symmetric] by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms unfolding R'[symmetric] unfolding swap_aa64_def
    apply sepref_to_hoare
    supply nth_aa64_heap[sep_heap_rules del]
    apply (sep_auto simp: swap_ll_def arrayO_except_assn_def
        length_ll_update_ll uint64_nat_rel_def br_def)
    supply nth_aa64_heap[sep_heap_rules]
    apply (sep_auto simp: swap_ll_def arrayO_except_assn_def
        length_ll_update_ll uint64_nat_rel_def br_def)
   supply nth_aa64_heap[sep_heap_rules del]
   apply (sep_auto simp: swap_ll_def arrayO_except_assn_def
        length_ll_update_ll uint64_nat_rel_def br_def)
    apply (rule frame_rule)
    apply (rule frame_rule)
    apply (rule_tac ba= ‹nat_of_uint64 bi› in nth_aa64_heap[of ])
    apply (auto simp: swap_ll_def arrayO_except_assn_def
          length_ll_update_ll uint64_nat_rel_def br_def)
    supply update_aa_rule_pure[sep_heap_rules del] update_aa64_rule[sep_heap_rules del]
    apply (sep_auto simp: uint64_nat_rel_def br_def)
    apply (rule frame_rule, rule frame_rule)
    apply (rule update_aa_rule_pure)
    apply (auto simp: swap_ll_def arrayO_except_assn_def
          length_ll_update_ll uint64_nat_rel_def br_def)
    apply sep_auto
    apply (rule cons_post_rule)
    apply (subst assn_times_assoc)
    apply (rule frame_rule)
    apply (rule frame_rule_left)
    apply (subst assn_times_comm)
    apply (rule_tac R=R and ba= ‹nat_of_uint64 bi› in update_aa64_rule)
    apply (auto simp: length_ll_def update_ll_def uint64_nat_rel_def br_def)[4]
    apply (sep_auto simp: uint64_nat_rel_def br_def length_ll_def update_ll_def nth_ll_def swap_def)

text ‹It is not possible to do a direct initialisation: there is no element that can be put
definition arrayO_ara_empty_sz where
  ‹arrayO_ara_empty_sz n =
   (let xs = fold (λ_ xs. [] # xs) [0..<n] [] in
    op_list_copy xs)

lemma of_list_op_list_copy_arrayO[sepref_fr_rules]:
   ‹(Array.of_list, RETURN ∘ op_list_copy) ∈ (list_assn (arl64_assn R))da arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R)›
  apply sepref_to_hoare
  apply (sep_auto simp: arrayO_assn_def array_assn_def)
  apply (rule_tac ?psi=‹xa ↦a xi * list_assn (arl64_assn R) x xi ⟹A
       is_array xi xa * heap_list_all (arl64_assn R) x xi * true› in asm_rl)
  by (sep_auto simp: heap_list_all_list_assn is_array_def)

  is "RETURN o arrayO_ara_empty_sz"
  :: ‹nat_assnka arrayO_assn (arl64_assn (R::'a ⇒ 'b::{heap, default} ⇒ assn))›
  unfolding arrayO_ara_empty_sz_def op_list_empty_def[symmetric]
  apply (rewrite at ‹(#) ⌑› op_arl64_empty_def[symmetric])
  apply (rewrite at ‹fold _ _ ⌑› op_HOL_list_empty_def[symmetric])
  supply [[goals_limit = 1]]
  by sepref

definition init_lrl64 :: ‹nat ⇒ _› where
[simp]: ‹init_lrl64 = init_lrl›

lemma arrayO_ara_empty_sz_init_lrl: ‹arrayO_ara_empty_sz n = init_lrl64 n›
  by (induction n) (auto simp: arrayO_ara_empty_sz_def init_lrl_def)

lemma arrayO_raa_empty_sz_init_lrl[sepref_fr_rules]:
  ‹(arrayO_ara_empty_sz_code, RETURN o init_lrl64) ∈
    nat_assnka arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R)›
  using arrayO_ara_empty_sz_code.refine unfolding arrayO_ara_empty_sz_init_lrl .

definition (in -) shorten_take_aa64 where
  ‹shorten_take_aa64 L j W =  do {
      (a, n) ← Array.nth W L;
      Array.upd L (a, j) W

lemma Array_upd_arrayO_except_assn2[sep_heap_rules]:
    ‹ba ≤ length (b ! a)› and
    ‹a < length b› and ‹(ba', ba) ∈ uint64_nat_rel›
  shows ‹<arrayO_except_assn (arl64_assn R) [a] b bi
           (λr'.  ↑ ((aaa, n) = r' ! a)) * arl64_assn R (b ! a) (aaa, n)>
         Array.upd a (aaa, ba') bi
         <λr. ∃Ax. arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) x r * true *
                    ↑ (x = b[a := take ba (b ! a)])>›
  using Array_upd_arrayO_except_assn
proof -
  have [simp]: ‹nat_of_uint64 ba' ≤ length l'›
      ‹ba ≤ length (b ! a)› and
      aa: ‹(take n' l', b ! a) ∈ ⟨the_pure R⟩list_rel›
    for l' :: ‹'b list› and n'
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      using list_rel_imp_same_length[OF aa] that assms(3)
      by (auto simp: uint64_nat_rel_def br_def)
  have [simp]: ‹(take (nat_of_uint64 ba') l', take (nat_of_uint64 ba') (b ! a)) ∈ ⟨the_pure R⟩list_rel›
      ‹ba ≤ length (b ! a)› and
      ‹n' ≤ length l'› and
      take: ‹(take n' l', b ! a) ∈ ⟨the_pure R⟩list_rel›
    for l' :: ‹'b list› and n'
  proof -
    have [simp]: ‹n' = length (b ! a)›
      using list_rel_imp_same_length[OF take] that by auto
    have 1: ‹take (nat_of_uint64 ba') l' = take (nat_of_uint64 ba') (take n' l')›
      using that assms(3) by (auto simp: min_def uint64_nat_rel_def br_def)
    show ?thesis
      using take
      unfolding 1
      by (rule list_rel_take)
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding arrayO_except_assn_def
    apply (subst (2) arl64_assn_def)
    apply (subst is_array_list64_def[abs_def])
    apply (subst hr_comp_def[abs_def])
    apply (subst array_assn_def)
    apply (subst is_array_def[abs_def])
    apply (subst hr_comp_def[abs_def])
    apply sep_auto
    apply (subst arrayO_except_assn_array0_index[symmetric, of a])
    apply (solves simp)
    unfolding arrayO_except_assn_def array_assn_def is_array_def
    apply (subst (3) arl64_assn_def)
    apply (subst is_array_list64_def[abs_def])
    apply (subst (2) hr_comp_def[abs_def])
    apply (subst ex_assn_move_out)+
    apply (rule_tac x=‹p[a := (aaa, ba')]› in ent_ex_postI)
    apply (rule_tac x=‹take ba l'› in ent_ex_postI)
    apply (sep_auto simp: uint64_nat_rel_def br_def list_rel_imp_same_length
      nat_of_uint64_le_uint64_max intro!: split: prod.splits)
    apply (subst (2) heap_list_all_nth_cong[of _ _ b _ p])
    apply auto
    apply sep_auto

lemma shorten_take_aa_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  ‹(uncurry2 shorten_take_aa64, uncurry2 (RETURN ooo shorten_take_ll)) ∈
     [λ((L, j), W). j ≤ length (W ! L) ∧ L < length W]a
    nat_assnk *a uint64_nat_assnk *a (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))d → arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R)›
  unfolding shorten_take_aa64_def shorten_take_ll_def
  by sepref_to_hoare sep_auto

definition nth_aa64_u where
  ‹nth_aa64_u x L L' =  nth_aa64 x (nat_of_uint32 L) L'›

lemma nth_aa_uint_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  assumes ‹CONSTRAINT is_pure R›
    ‹(uncurry2 nth_aa64_u, uncurry2 (RETURN ooo nth_rll)) ∈
       [λ((x, L), L'). L < length x ∧ L' < length (x ! L)]a
       (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))k *a uint32_nat_assnk *a uint64_nat_assnk → R›
  unfolding nth_aa_u_def
  apply auto
  by sepref_to_hoare
  (use assms in ‹sep_auto simp: uint32_nat_rel_def br_def length_ll_def nth_ll_def
    nth_rll_def nth_aa64_u_def›)

lemma nth_aa64_u_code[code]:
  ‹nth_aa64_u x L L' = nth_u_code x L ⤜ (λx. arl64_get x L' ⤜ return)›
  unfolding nth_aa64_u_def nth_aa64_def arl_get_u_def[symmetric]  Array.nth'_def[symmetric]
   nth_nat_of_uint32_nth' nth_u_code_def[symmetric] ..

definition nth_aa64_i64_u64 where
  ‹nth_aa64_i64_u64 xs x L = nth_aa64 xs (nat_of_uint64 x) L›

lemma nth_aa64_i64_u64_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R›
    ‹(uncurry2 nth_aa64_i64_u64, uncurry2 (RETURN ∘∘∘ nth_rll)) ∈
       [λ((l,i),j). i < length l ∧ j < length_rll l i]a
       (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))k *a uint64_nat_assnk *a uint64_nat_assnk → R›
  unfolding nth_aa64_i64_u64_def
  supply nth_aa64_hnr[to_hnr, sep_heap_rules]
  using assms
  by sepref_to_hoare
    (sep_auto simp: br_def nth_aa64_i64_u64_def uint64_nat_rel_def
      length_rll_def length_ll_def nth_rll_def nth_ll_def)

definition nth_aa64_i32_u64 where
  ‹nth_aa64_i32_u64 xs x L = nth_aa64 xs (nat_of_uint32 x) L›

lemma nth_aa64_i32_u64_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R›
    ‹(uncurry2 nth_aa64_i32_u64, uncurry2 (RETURN ∘∘∘ nth_rll)) ∈
       [λ((l,i),j). i < length l ∧ j < length_rll l i]a
       (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))k *a uint32_nat_assnk *a uint64_nat_assnk → R›
  unfolding nth_aa64_i32_u64_def
  supply nth_aa64_hnr[to_hnr, sep_heap_rules]
  using assms
  by sepref_to_hoare
    (sep_auto simp: uint32_nat_rel_def br_def uint64_nat_rel_def
      length_rll_def length_ll_def nth_rll_def nth_ll_def)

  (*TODO Sort*)
definition append64_el_aa32 :: "('a::{default,heap} array_list64) array ⇒
  uint32 ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a array_list64) array Heap"where
"append64_el_aa32 ≡ λa i x. do {
  j ← nth_u_code a i;
  a' ← arl64_append j x;
  heap_array_set_u  a i a'

lemma append64_aa32_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  fixes R ::  ‹'a ⇒ 'b :: {heap, default} ⇒ assn›
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R›
    ‹(uncurry2 append64_el_aa32, uncurry2 (RETURN ∘∘∘ append_ll)) ∈
     [λ((l,i),x). i < length l ∧ length (l ! i) < uint64_max]a (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))d *a uint32_nat_assnk *a Rk → (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))›
proof -
  obtain R' where R: ‹the_pure R = R'› and R': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  have [simp]: ‹(∃Ax. arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) a ai * R x r * true * ↑ (x = a ! ba ! b)) =
     (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) a ai * R (a ! ba ! b) r * true)› for a ai ba b r
    by (auto simp: ex_assn_def)
  show ?thesis ― ‹TODO tune proof›
    apply sepref_to_hoare
    apply (sep_auto simp: append64_el_aa32_def nth_u_code_def Array.nth'_def uint32_nat_rel_def br_def
       nat_of_uint32_code[symmetric] heap_array_set'_u_def heap_array_set_u_def Array.upd'_def)
     apply (simp add: arrayO_except_assn_def)
     apply (rule sep_auto_is_stupid[OF p])
    apply simp
    apply (sep_auto simp: array_assn_def is_array_def append_ll_def)
    apply (simp add: arrayO_except_assn_array0[symmetric] arrayO_except_assn_def)
    apply (subst_tac (2) i = ‹nat_of_uint32 bia› in heap_list_all_nth_remove1)
     apply (solves ‹simp›)
    apply (simp add: array_assn_def is_array_def)
    apply (rule_tac x=‹p[nat_of_uint32 bia := (ab, bb)]› in ent_ex_postI)
    apply (subst_tac (2)xs'=a and ys'=p in heap_list_all_nth_cong)
      apply (solves ‹auto›)+
    apply sep_auto

definition update_aa64_u32 :: "('a::{heap} array_list64) array ⇒ uint32 ⇒ uint64 ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a array_list64) array Heap" where
  ‹update_aa64_u32 a i j y = update_aa64 a (nat_of_uint32 i) j y›

lemma update_aa_u64_u32_code[code]:
  ‹update_aa64_u32 a i j y = do {
      x ← nth_u_code a i;
      a' ← arl64_set x j y;
      Array_upd_u i a' a
  unfolding update_aa64_u32_def update_aa64_def update_aa_def nth_nat_of_uint32_nth' nth_nat_of_uint32_nth'
    arl_get_u_def[symmetric] nth_u64_code_def Array.nth'_def comp_def Array_upd_u_def nth_u_code_def
    heap_array_set'_u_def[symmetric] Array_upd_u64_def nat_of_uint64_code[symmetric]
  by auto

lemma update_aa64_u32_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R› and ‹bb < length a› and ‹ba < length_ll a bb› ‹(ba', ba) ∈ uint64_nat_rel›  ‹(bb', bb) ∈ uint32_nat_rel›
  shows ‹<R b bi * arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) a ai> update_aa64_u32 ai bb' ba' bi
      <λr. R b bi * (∃Ax. arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) x r * ↑ (x = update_ll a bb ba b))>t
  using assms supply return_sp_rule[sep_heap_rules] upd_rule[sep_heap_rules del]
  apply (sep_auto simp add: update_aa64_u32_def update_ll_def nth_u_code_def Array.nth'_def
     nat_of_uint32_code[symmetric] uint32_nat_rel_def br_def)

lemma update_aa64_u32_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  assumes ‹is_pure R›
  shows ‹(uncurry3 update_aa64_u32, uncurry3 (RETURN oooo update_ll)) ∈
     [λ(((l,i), j), x). i < length l ∧ j < length_ll l i]a (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))d *a uint32_nat_assnk *a uint64_nat_assnk *a Rk → (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))›
  by sepref_to_hoare (sep_auto simp: assms)

definition nth_aa64_u64 where
  ‹nth_aa64_u64 xs i j = do {
      x ← nth_u64_code xs i;
      y ← arl64_get x j;
      return y}›

lemma nth_aa64_u64_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  assumes p: ‹CONSTRAINT is_pure R›
    ‹(uncurry2 nth_aa64_u64, uncurry2 (RETURN ∘∘∘ nth_ll)) ∈
       [λ((l,i),j). i < length l ∧ j < length_ll l i]a
       (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))k *a uint64_nat_assnk *a uint64_nat_assnk → R›
proof -
  obtain R' where R: ‹the_pure R = R'› and R': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  have H: ‹list_all2 (λx x'. (x, x') ∈ the_pure (λa c. ↑ ((c, a) ∈ R'))) bc (a ! ba) ⟹
       b < length (a ! ba) ⟹
       (bc ! b, a ! ba ! b) ∈ R'› for bc a ba b
    by (auto simp add: ent_refl_true list_all2_conv_all_nth is_pure_alt_def pure_app_eq[symmetric])
  show ?thesis
    using p
    apply sepref_to_hoare
    apply (sep_auto simp: nth_aa64_u64_def length_ll_def nth_ll_def nth_u64_def nth_u64_code_def Array.nth'_def
       nat_of_uint64_code[symmetric] br_def uint64_nat_rel_def)
    apply (subst arrayO_except_assn_array0_index[symmetric, of ‹nat_of_uint64 bia›])
    apply simp
    apply (sep_auto simp: arrayO_except_assn_def arrayO_assn_def arl64_assn_def hr_comp_def list_rel_def
      star_aci(3) R R' pure_def H)

definition arl64_get_nat :: "'a::heap array_list64 ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a Heap" where
  "arl64_get_nat ≡ λ(a,n) i. Array.nth a i"

lemma arl_get_rule[sep_heap_rules]: "
  i<length l ⟹
  <is_array_list64 l a>
    arl64_get_nat a i
  <λr. is_array_list64 l a * ↑(r=l!i)>"
  supply nth_rule[sep_heap_rules]
  by (sep_auto simp: is_array_list64_def arl64_get_nat_def is_array_list_def split: prod.split)

lemma arl_get_rule_arl64[sep_heap_rules]: "
  i<length l ⟹
  <arl64_assn T l a>
    arl64_get_nat a i
  <λr. arl64_assn T l a * ↑((r, l!i) ∈ the_pure T)>"
  using param_nth[of i l i _ ‹the_pure T›]
  by (sep_auto simp: arl64_assn_def hr_comp_def dest: list_rel_imp_same_length split: prod.split)

definition nth_aa64_nat where
  ‹nth_aa64_nat xs i j = do {
      x ← Array.nth xs i;
      y ← arl64_get_nat x j;
      return y}›

lemma nth_aa64_nat_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  assumes p: ‹CONSTRAINT is_pure R›
    ‹(uncurry2 nth_aa64_nat, uncurry2 (RETURN ∘∘∘ nth_ll)) ∈
       [λ((l,i),j). i < length l ∧ j < length_ll l i]a
       (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))k *a nat_assnk *a nat_assnk → R›
proof -
  obtain R' where R: ‹the_pure R = R'› and R': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  have [simp]: ‹the_pure (λa c. ↑ ((c, a) ∈ R'))  = R'›
    unfolding R[symmetric] pure_app_eq[symmetric] by auto
  show ?thesis
    using p
    apply sepref_to_hoare
    apply (sep_auto simp: nth_aa64_nat_def length_ll_def nth_ll_def)
    apply (subst arrayO_except_assn_array0_index[symmetric, of ba])
    apply simp
    apply (sep_auto simp: arrayO_except_assn_def arrayO_assn_def arl64_assn_def hr_comp_def list_rel_def
      star_aci(3) R R' pure_def)

definition length_aa64_nat :: ‹('a::heap array_list64) array ⇒ nat ⇒ nat Heap› where
  ‹length_aa64_nat xs i = do {
     x ← Array.nth xs i;
    n ← arl64_length x;
     return (nat_of_uint64 n)}›

lemma length_aa64_nat_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
    ‹b < length xs ⟹  <arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) xs a> length_aa64_nat a b
    <λr. arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R) xs a * ↑ (r = length_ll xs b)>t
  unfolding length_aa64_nat_def nth_u64_code_def Array.nth'_def
  apply (sep_auto simp flip: nat_of_uint64_code simp: br_def uint64_nat_rel_def length_ll_def)
  apply (subst arrayO_except_assn_array0_index[symmetric, of b])
  apply (simp add: nat_of_uint64_code br_def uint64_nat_rel_def)
  apply (sep_auto simp: arrayO_except_assn_def)

lemma length_aa64_nat_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]: ‹(uncurry length_aa64_nat, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ length_ll)) ∈
     [λ(xs, i). i < length xs]a (arrayO_assn (arl64_assn R))k *a nat_assnk → nat_assn›
  by sepref_to_hoare (sep_auto simp: uint64_nat_rel_def br_def)
