Theory Array_List_Array

theory Array_List_Array
imports Array_Array_List
theory Array_List_Array
imports Array_Array_List

subsection ‹Array of Array Lists›

text ‹There is a major difference compared to @{typ ‹'a array_list array›}: @{typ ‹'a array_list›}
  is not of sort default. This means that function like @{term arl_append} cannot be used here.›

type_synonym 'a arrayO_raa = ‹'a array array_list›
type_synonym 'a list_rll = ‹'a list list›

definition arlO_assn :: ‹('a ⇒ 'b::heap ⇒ assn) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'b array_list ⇒ assn› where
  ‹arlO_assn R' xs axs ≡ ∃Ap. arl_assn id_assn p axs * heap_list_all R' xs p›

definition arlO_assn_except :: ‹('a ⇒ 'b::heap ⇒ assn) ⇒ nat list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'b array_list ⇒ _ ⇒ assn› where
  ‹arlO_assn_except R' is xs axs f ≡
     ∃A p. arl_assn id_assn p axs * heap_list_all_nth R' (fold remove1 is [0..<length xs]) xs p *
    ↑ (length xs = length p) * f p›

lemma arlO_assn_except_array0: ‹arlO_assn_except R [] xs asx (λ_. emp) = arlO_assn R xs asx›
proof -
  have ‹(h ⊨ arl_assn id_assn p asx * heap_list_all_nth R [0..<length xs] xs p ∧ length xs = length p) =
    (h ⊨ arl_assn id_assn p asx * heap_list_all R xs p)› (is ‹?a = ?b›) for h p
  proof (rule iffI)
    assume ?a
    then show ?b
      by (auto simp: heap_list_all_heap_list_all_nth)
    assume ?b
    then have ‹length xs = length p›
      by (auto simp: heap_list_add_same_length mod_star_conv)
    then show ?a
      using ‹?b›
        by (auto simp: heap_list_all_heap_list_all_nth)
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding arlO_assn_except_def arlO_assn_def by (auto simp: ex_assn_def)

lemma arlO_assn_except_array0_index:
  ‹i < length xs ⟹ arlO_assn_except R [i] xs asx (λp. R (xs ! i) (p ! i)) = arlO_assn R xs asx›
  unfolding arlO_assn_except_array0[symmetric] arlO_assn_except_def
  using heap_list_all_nth_remove1[of i ‹[0..<length xs]› R xs] by (auto simp: star_aci(2,3))

lemma arrayO_raa_nth_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes i: ‹i < length a›
  shows ‹ <arlO_assn (array_assn R) a ai> arl_get ai i <λr. arlO_assn_except (array_assn R) [i] a ai
   (λr'. array_assn R (a ! i) r * ↑(r = r' ! i))>›
proof -
  obtain t n where ai: ‹ai = (t, n)› by (cases ai)
  have i_le: ‹i < Array.length h t› if ‹(h, as) ⊨ arlO_assn (array_assn R) a ai› for h as
    using ai that i unfolding arlO_assn_def array_assn_def is_array_def arl_assn_def is_array_list_def
    by (auto simp: run.simps tap_def arlO_assn_def
        mod_star_conv array_assn_def is_array_def
        Abs_assn_inverse heap_list_add_same_length length_def snga_assn_def
        dest: heap_list_add_same_length)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding hoare_triple_def Let_def
  proof (clarify, intro allI impI conjI)
    fix h as σ r
      a: ‹(h, as) ⊨ arlO_assn (array_assn R) a ai› and
      r: ‹run (arl_get ai i) (Some h) σ r›
    have [simp]: ‹length a = n›
      using a ai
      by (auto simp: arlO_assn_def mod_star_conv arl_assn_def is_array_list_def
          dest: heap_list_add_same_length)
    obtain p where
      p: ‹(h, as) ⊨ arl_assn id_assn p (t, n) *
            heap_list_all_nth (array_assn R) (remove1 i [0..<length p]) a p *
            array_assn R (a ! i) (p ! i)›
      using assms a ai
      by (auto simp: hoare_triple_def Let_def execute_simps relH_def in_range.simps
          arlO_assn_except_array0_index[of i, symmetric] arl_get_def
          arlO_assn_except_array0_index arlO_assn_except_def
          elim!: run_elims
          intro!: norm_pre_ex_rule)
    then have ‹(Array.get h t ! i) = p ! i›
      using ai i i_le unfolding arlO_assn_except_array0_index
      apply (auto simp: mod_star_conv array_assn_def is_array_def snga_assn_def
          Abs_assn_inverse arl_assn_def)
      unfolding is_array_list_def is_array_def hr_comp_def list_rel_def
      apply (auto simp: mod_star_conv array_assn_def is_array_def snga_assn_def
          Abs_assn_inverse arl_assn_def from_nat_def
          intro!: nth_take[symmetric])
    moreover have ‹length p = n›
      using p ai by (auto simp: arl_assn_def is_array_list_def)

    ultimately show ‹(the_state σ, new_addrs h as (the_state σ)) ⊨
        arlO_assn_except (array_assn R) [i] a ai (λr'. array_assn R (a ! i) r * ↑ (r = r' ! i))›
      using assms ai i_le r p
      by (fastforce simp: hoare_triple_def Let_def execute_simps relH_def in_range.simps
          arlO_assn_except_array0_index[of i, symmetric] arl_get_def
          arlO_assn_except_array0_index arlO_assn_except_def
          elim!: run_elims
          intro!: norm_pre_ex_rule)
  qed ((solves ‹use assms ai i_le in ‹auto simp: hoare_triple_def Let_def execute_simps relH_def
    in_range.simps arlO_assn_except_array0_index[of i, symmetric] arl_get_def
        elim!: run_elims
        intro!: norm_pre_ex_rule››)+)[3]

definition length_ra :: ‹'a::heap arrayO_raa ⇒ nat Heap› where
  ‹length_ra xs = arl_length xs›

lemma length_ra_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
   ‹<arlO_assn R x xi> length_ra xi <λr. arlO_assn R x xi * ↑(r = length x)>t
  by (sep_auto simp: arlO_assn_def length_ra_def mod_star_conv arl_assn_def
      dest: heap_list_add_same_length)

lemma length_ra_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  ‹(length_ra, RETURN o op_list_length) ∈ (arlO_assn R)ka nat_assn›
  by sepref_to_hoare sep_auto

definition length_rll :: ‹'a list_rll ⇒ nat ⇒ nat› where
  ‹length_rll l i = length (l!i)›

lemma le_length_rll_nemptyD: ‹b < length_rll a ba ⟹ a ! ba ≠ []›
  by (auto simp: length_rll_def)

definition length_raa :: ‹'a::heap arrayO_raa ⇒ nat ⇒ nat Heap› where
  ‹length_raa xs i = do {
     x ← arl_get xs i;
    Array.len x}›

lemma length_raa_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
  ‹b < length xs ⟹ <arlO_assn (array_assn R) xs a> length_raa a b
   <λr. arlO_assn (array_assn R) xs a * ↑ (r = length_rll xs b)>t
  unfolding length_raa_def
  apply (cases a)
  apply sep_auto
  apply (sep_auto simp: arlO_assn_except_def arl_length_def array_assn_def
      eq_commute[of ‹(_, _)›] is_array_def hr_comp_def length_rll_def
      dest: list_all2_lengthD)
   apply (sep_auto simp: arlO_assn_except_def arl_length_def arl_assn_def
      eq_commute[of ‹(_, _)›] is_array_list_def hr_comp_def length_rll_def list_rel_def
      dest: list_all2_lengthD)[]
  unfolding arlO_assn_def[symmetric] arl_assn_def[symmetric]
  apply (subst arlO_assn_except_array0_index[symmetric, of b])
   apply simp
  unfolding arlO_assn_except_def arl_assn_def hr_comp_def is_array_def
  apply sep_auto

lemma length_raa_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]: ‹(uncurry length_raa, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ length_rll)) ∈
     [λ(xs, i). i < length xs]a (arlO_assn (array_assn R))k *a nat_assnk → nat_assn›
  by sepref_to_hoare sep_auto

definition nth_raa :: ‹'a::heap arrayO_raa ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a Heap› where
  ‹nth_raa xs i j = do {
      x ← arl_get xs i;
      y ← Array.nth x j;
      return y}›

lemma nth_raa_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R›
    ‹(uncurry2 nth_raa, uncurry2 (RETURN ∘∘∘ nth_rll)) ∈
       [λ((l,i),j). i < length l ∧ j < length_rll l i]a
       (arlO_assn (array_assn R))k *a nat_assnk *a nat_assnk → R›
proof -
  obtain R' where R: ‹the_pure R = R'› and R': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  have H: ‹list_all2 (λx x'. (x, x') ∈ the_pure (λa c. ↑ ((c, a) ∈ R'))) bc (a ! ba) ⟹
       b < length (a ! ba) ⟹
       (bc ! b, a ! ba ! b) ∈ R'› for bc a ba b
    by (auto simp add: ent_refl_true list_all2_conv_all_nth is_pure_alt_def pure_app_eq[symmetric])
  show ?thesis
    supply nth_rule[sep_heap_rules]
    apply sepref_to_hoare
    apply (subst (2) arlO_assn_except_array0_index[symmetric])
     apply (solves ‹auto›)[]
    apply (sep_auto simp: nth_raa_def nth_rll_def length_rll_def)
    apply (sep_auto simp: arlO_assn_except_def arlO_assn_def arl_assn_def hr_comp_def list_rel_def
        list_all2_lengthD array_assn_def is_array_def hr_comp_def[abs_def]
        star_aci(3) R R' pure_def H)

definition update_raa :: "('a::{heap,default}) arrayO_raa ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a arrayO_raa Heap" where
  ‹update_raa a i j y = do {
      x ← arl_get a i;
      a' ← Array.upd j y x;
      arl_set a i a'
    }› ― ‹is the Array.upd really needed?›

definition update_rll :: "'a list_rll ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a list list" where
  ‹update_rll xs i j y = xs[i:= (xs ! i)[j := y]]›

declare nth_rule[sep_heap_rules del]
declare arrayO_raa_nth_rule[sep_heap_rules]

text ‹TODO: is it possible to be more precise and not drop the \<^term>‹↑ ((aa, bc) = r' ! bb)››
lemma arlO_assn_except_arl_set[sep_heap_rules]:
  fixes R :: ‹'a ⇒ 'b :: {heap} ⇒ assn›
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R› and ‹bb < length a› and
    ‹ba < length_rll a bb›
  shows ‹
       <arlO_assn_except (array_assn R) [bb] a ai (λr'. array_assn R (a ! bb) aa *
         ↑ (aa = r' ! bb)) * R b bi>
       Array.upd ba bi aa
      <λaa. arlO_assn_except (array_assn R) [bb] a ai
        (λr'. array_assn R ((a ! bb)[ba := b]) aa) * R b bi * true>›
proof -
  obtain R' where R: ‹the_pure R = R'› and R': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (cases ai)
      (sep_auto simp: arlO_assn_except_def arl_assn_def hr_comp_def list_rel_imp_same_length
        list_rel_update length_rll_def array_assn_def is_array_def)

lemma update_raa_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R› and ‹bb < length a› and ‹ba < length_rll a bb›
  shows ‹<R b bi * arlO_assn (array_assn R) a ai> update_raa ai bb ba bi
      <λr. R b bi * (∃Ax. arlO_assn (array_assn R) x r * ↑ (x = update_rll a bb ba b))>t
  using assms
  apply (sep_auto simp add: update_raa_def update_rll_def p)
  apply (sep_auto simp add: update_raa_def arlO_assn_except_def array_assn_def is_array_def hr_comp_def
  apply (subst_tac i=bb in arlO_assn_except_array0_index[symmetric])
   apply (solves ‹simp›)
  apply (subst arlO_assn_except_def)
  apply (auto simp add: update_raa_def arlO_assn_except_def array_assn_def is_array_def hr_comp_def)

  apply (rule_tac x=‹p[bb := xa]› in ent_ex_postI)
  apply (rule_tac x=‹bc› in ent_ex_postI)
  apply (subst_tac (2)xs'=a and ys'=p in heap_list_all_nth_cong)
    apply (solves ‹auto›)
   apply (solves ‹auto›)
  by (sep_auto simp: arl_assn_def)

lemma update_raa_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  assumes ‹is_pure R›
  shows ‹(uncurry3 update_raa, uncurry3 (RETURN oooo update_rll)) ∈
     [λ(((l,i), j), x). i < length l ∧ j < length_rll l i]a (arlO_assn (array_assn R))d *a nat_assnk *a nat_assnk *a Rk → (arlO_assn (array_assn R))›
  by sepref_to_hoare (sep_auto simp: assms)

 definition swap_aa :: "('a::{heap,default}) arrayO_raa ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a arrayO_raa Heap" where
  ‹swap_aa xs k i j = do {
    xi ← nth_raa xs k i;
    xj ← nth_raa xs k j;
    xs ← update_raa xs k i xj;
    xs ← update_raa xs k j xi;
    return xs

definition swap_ll where
  ‹swap_ll xs k i j = list_update xs k (swap (xs!k) i j)›

lemma nth_raa_heap[sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R› and ‹b < length aa› and ‹ba < length_rll aa b›
  shows ‹
   <arlO_assn (array_assn R) aa a>
   nth_raa a b ba
   <λr. ∃Ax. arlO_assn (array_assn R) aa a *
               (R x r *
                ↑ (x = nth_rll aa b ba)) *
proof -
  have ‹<arlO_assn (array_assn R) aa a *
        nat_assn b b *
        nat_assn ba ba>
       nth_raa a b ba
       <λr. ∃Ax. arlO_assn (array_assn R) aa a *
                   nat_assn b b *
                   nat_assn ba ba *
                   R x r *
                   true *
                   ↑ (x = nth_rll aa b ba)>›
    using p assms nth_raa_hnr[of R] unfolding hfref_def hn_refine_def
    by (cases a) auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding hoare_triple_def
    by (auto simp: Let_def pure_def)

lemma update_raa_rule_pure:
  assumes p: ‹is_pure R› and ‹b < length aa› and ‹ba < length_rll aa b› and
    b: ‹(bb, be) ∈ the_pure R›
  shows ‹
   <arlO_assn (array_assn R) aa a>
           update_raa a b ba bb
           <λr. ∃Ax. invalid_assn (arlO_assn (array_assn R)) aa a * arlO_assn (array_assn R) x r *
                       true *
                       ↑ (x = update_rll aa b ba be)>›
proof -
  obtain R' where R': ‹R' = the_pure R› and RR': ‹R = pure R'›
    using p by fastforce
  have bb: ‹pure R' be bb = ↑((bb, be) ∈ R')›
    by (auto simp: pure_def)
  have ‹ <arlO_assn (array_assn R) aa a * nat_assn b b * nat_assn ba ba * R be bb>
           update_raa a b ba bb
           <λr. ∃Ax. invalid_assn (arlO_assn (array_assn R)) aa a * nat_assn b b * nat_assn ba ba *
                       R be bb *
                       arlO_assn (array_assn R) x r *
                       true *
                       ↑ (x = update_rll aa b ba be)>›
    using p assms update_raa_hnr[of R] unfolding hfref_def hn_refine_def
    by (cases a) auto
  then show ?thesis
    using b unfolding R'[symmetric] unfolding hoare_triple_def RR' bb
    by (auto simp: Let_def pure_def)

lemma length_update_rll[simp]: ‹length (update_rll a bb b c) = length a›
  unfolding update_rll_def by auto

lemma length_rll_update_rll:
  ‹bb < length a ⟹ length_rll (update_rll a bb b c) bb = length_rll a bb›
  unfolding length_rll_def update_rll_def by auto

lemma swap_aa_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  assumes ‹is_pure R›
  shows ‹(uncurry3 swap_aa, uncurry3 (RETURN oooo swap_ll)) ∈
   [λ(((xs, k), i), j). k < length xs ∧ i < length_rll xs k ∧ j < length_rll xs k]a
  (arlO_assn (array_assn R))d *a nat_assnk *a nat_assnk *a nat_assnk → (arlO_assn (array_assn R))›
proof -
  note update_raa_rule_pure[sep_heap_rules]
  obtain R' where R': ‹R' = the_pure R› and RR': ‹R = pure R'›
    using assms by fastforce
  have [simp]: ‹the_pure (λa b. ↑ ((b, a) ∈ R')) = R'›
    unfolding pure_def[symmetric] by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms unfolding R'[symmetric] unfolding RR'
    apply sepref_to_hoare
    apply (sep_auto simp: swap_aa_def swap_ll_def arlO_assn_except_def
    by (sep_auto simp: update_rll_def swap_def nth_rll_def list_update_swap)

definition update_ra :: ‹'a arrayO_raa ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a array ⇒ 'a arrayO_raa Heap› where
  ‹update_ra xs n x = arl_set xs n x›

lemma update_ra_list_update_rules[sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes ‹n < length l›
  shows ‹<R y x * arlO_assn R l xs> update_ra xs n x <arlO_assn R (l[n:=y])>t
proof -
  have H: ‹heap_list_all R l p = heap_list_all R l p * ↑ (n < length p)› for p
    using assms by (simp add: ent_iffI heap_list_add_same_length)
  have [simp]: ‹heap_list_all_nth R (remove1 n [0..<length p]) (l[n := y]) (p[n := x]) =
    heap_list_all_nth R (remove1 n [0..<length p]) (l) (p)› for p
    by (rule heap_list_all_nth_cong) auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    apply (cases xs)
    supply arl_set_rule[sep_heap_rules del]
    apply (sep_auto simp: arlO_assn_def update_ra_def Let_def arl_assn_def
        dest!: heap_list_add_same_length
        elim!: run_elims)
    apply (subst H)
    apply (subst heap_list_all_heap_list_all_nth_eq)
    apply (subst heap_list_all_nth_remove1[where i = n])
      apply (solves ‹simp›)
    apply (subst heap_list_all_heap_list_all_nth_eq)
    apply (subst (2) heap_list_all_nth_remove1[where i = n])
      apply (solves ‹simp›)
    supply arl_set_rule[sep_heap_rules]
    apply (sep_auto (plain))
     apply (subgoal_tac ‹length (l[n := y]) = length (p[n := x])›)
      apply assumption
     apply auto[]
    apply sep_auto
lemma ex_assn_up_eq: ‹(∃Ax. P x * ↑(x = a) * Q) = (P a * Q)›
  by (smt ex_one_point_gen mod_pure_star_dist mod_starE mult.right_neutral pure_true)
lemma update_ra_list_update[sepref_fr_rules]:
  ‹(uncurry2 update_ra, uncurry2 (RETURN ooo list_update)) ∈
   [λ((xs, n), _). n < length xs]a (arlO_assn R)d *a nat_assnk *a Rd → (arlO_assn R)›
proof -
  have [simp]: ‹(∃Ax. arlO_assn R x r * true * ↑ (x = list_update a ba b)) =
        arlO_assn R (a[ba := b]) r * true›
    for a ba b r
    apply (subst assn_aci(10))
    apply (subst ex_assn_up_eq)
  show ?thesis
    by sepref_to_hoare sep_auto
term arl_append
definition arrayO_raa_append where
"arrayO_raa_append ≡ λ(a,n) x. do {
    len ← Array.len a;
    if n<len then do {
      a ← Array.upd n x a;
      return (a,n+1)
    } else do {
      let newcap = 2 * len;
      default ← 0 default;
      a ← array_grow a newcap default;
      a ← Array.upd n x a;
      return (a,n+1)

lemma heap_list_all_append_Nil:
  ‹y ≠ [] ⟹ heap_list_all R (va @ y) [] = false›
  by (cases va; cases y) auto

lemma heap_list_all_Nil_append:
  ‹y ≠ [] ⟹ heap_list_all R [] (va @ y) = false›
  by (cases va; cases y) auto

lemma heap_list_all_append: ‹heap_list_all R (l @ [y]) (l' @ [x])
  = heap_list_all R (l) (l') * R y x›
  by (induction R l l' rule: heap_list_all.induct)
    (auto simp: ac_simps heap_list_all_Nil_append heap_list_all_append_Nil)
term arrayO_raa
lemma arrayO_raa_append_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
  ‹<arlO_assn R l a * R y x>  arrayO_raa_append a x <λa. arlO_assn R (l@[y]) a >t
proof -
  have 1: ‹arl_assn id_assn p a * heap_list_all R l p =
       arl_assn id_assn p a *  heap_list_all R l p * ↑ (length l = length p)› for p
    by (smt ent_iffI ent_pure_post_iff entailsI heap_list_add_same_length mult.right_neutral
        pure_false pure_true star_false_right)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding arrayO_raa_append_def arrayO_raa_append_def arlO_assn_def
      length_ra_def arl_length_def hr_comp_def
    apply (subst 1)
    unfolding arl_assn_def is_array_list_def hr_comp_def
    apply (cases a)
    apply sep_auto
       apply (rule_tac psi=‹Suc (length l) ≤ length (l'[length l := x])› in asm_rl)
       apply simp
      apply simp
     apply (sep_auto simp: take_update_last heap_list_all_append)
    apply (sep_auto (plain))
     apply sep_auto
    apply (sep_auto (plain))
     apply sep_auto
    apply (sep_auto (plain))
      apply sep_auto
      apply (rule_tac psi = ‹Suc (length p) ≤ length ((p @ replicate (length p) xa)[length p := x])›
        in asm_rl)
      apply sep_auto
     apply sep_auto
    apply (sep_auto simp: heap_list_all_append)

lemma arrayO_raa_append_op_list_append[sepref_fr_rules]:
  ‹(uncurry arrayO_raa_append, uncurry (RETURN oo op_list_append)) ∈
   (arlO_assn R)d *a Rda arlO_assn R›
  apply sepref_to_hoare
  apply (subst mult.commute)
  apply (subst mult.assoc)
  by (sep_auto simp: ex_assn_up_eq)

definition array_of_arl :: ‹'a list ⇒ 'a list› where
  ‹array_of_arl xs = xs›

definition array_of_arl_raa :: "'a::heap array_list ⇒ 'a array Heap" where
  ‹array_of_arl_raa = (λ(a, n). array_shrink a n)›

lemma array_of_arl[sepref_fr_rules]:
   ‹(array_of_arl_raa, RETURN o array_of_arl) ∈ (arl_assn R)da (array_assn R)›
  by sepref_to_hoare
   (sep_auto simp: array_of_arl_raa_def arl_assn_def is_array_list_def hr_comp_def
      array_assn_def is_array_def array_of_arl_def)

definition "arrayO_raa_empty ≡ do {
    a ← initial_capacity default;
    return (a,0)

lemma arrayO_raa_empty_rule[sep_heap_rules]: "< emp > arrayO_raa_empty <λr. arlO_assn R [] r>"
  by (sep_auto simp: arrayO_raa_empty_def is_array_list_def initial_capacity_def
      arlO_assn_def arl_assn_def)

definition arrayO_raa_empty_sz where
"arrayO_raa_empty_sz init_cap ≡ do {
    default ← 0 default;
    a ← (max init_cap minimum_capacity) default;
    return (a,0)

lemma arl_empty_sz_array_rule[sep_heap_rules]: "< emp > arrayO_raa_empty_sz N <λr. arlO_assn R [] r>t"
proof -
  have [simp]: ‹(xa ↦a replicate (max N 16) x) * x ↦a [] = (xa ↦a (x # replicate (max N 16 - 1) x)) * x ↦a []›
    for xa x
    by (cases N) (sep_auto simp: arrayO_raa_empty_sz_def is_array_list_def minimum_capacity_def max_def)+
  show ?thesis
    by (sep_auto simp: arrayO_raa_empty_sz_def is_array_list_def minimum_capacity_def
        arlO_assn_def arl_assn_def)

definition nth_rl :: ‹'a::heap arrayO_raa ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a array Heap› where
  ‹nth_rl xs n = do {x ← arl_get xs n; array_copy x}›

lemma nth_rl_op_list_get:
  ‹(uncurry nth_rl, uncurry (RETURN oo op_list_get)) ∈
    [λ(xs, n). n < length xs]a (arlO_assn (array_assn R))k *a nat_assnk → array_assn R›
  apply sepref_to_hoare
  unfolding arlO_assn_def heap_list_all_heap_list_all_nth_eq
  apply (subst_tac i=b in heap_list_all_nth_remove1)
   apply (solves ‹simp›)
  apply (subst_tac (2) i=b in heap_list_all_nth_remove1)
   apply (solves ‹simp›)
  by (sep_auto simp: nth_rl_def arlO_assn_def heap_list_all_heap_list_all_nth_eq array_assn_def
      hr_comp_def[abs_def] is_array_def arl_assn_def)

definition arl_of_array :: "'a list list ⇒ 'a list list" where
  ‹arl_of_array xs = xs›

definition arl_of_array_raa :: "'a::heap array ⇒ ('a array_list) Heap" where
  ‹arl_of_array_raa xs = do {
     n ← Array.len xs;
     return (xs, n)

lemma arl_of_array_raa: ‹(arl_of_array_raa, RETURN o arl_of_array) ∈
       [λxs. xs ≠ []]a (array_assn R)d → (arl_assn R)›
  by sepref_to_hoare (sep_auto simp: arl_of_array_raa_def arl_assn_def is_array_list_def hr_comp_def
      array_assn_def is_array_def arl_of_array_def)
