Theory CDCL_W_Incremental

theory CDCL_W_Incremental
imports CDCL_W_Full
theory CDCL_W_Incremental
imports CDCL_W_Full

section ‹Incremental SAT solving›
locale stateW_adding_init_clause_no_state =
    ― ‹functions about the state:›
      ― ‹getter:›
    trail init_clss learned_clss conflicting
      ― ‹setter:›
    cons_trail tl_trail add_learned_cls remove_cls

      ― ‹Some specific states:›
    state_eq :: "'st ⇒ 'st ⇒ bool" (infix "∼" 50) and
    state :: "'st ⇒ ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits × 'v clauses × 'v clauses × 'v clause option ×
      'b" and
    trail :: "'st ⇒ ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits" and
    init_clss :: "'st ⇒ 'v clauses" and
    learned_clss :: "'st ⇒ 'v clauses" and
    conflicting :: "'st ⇒ 'v clause option" and

    cons_trail :: "('v, 'v clause) ann_lit ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and
    tl_trail :: "'st ⇒ 'st" and
    add_learned_cls :: "'v clause ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and
    remove_cls :: "'v clause ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and
    update_conflicting :: "'v clause option ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and

    init_state :: "'v clauses ⇒ 'st" +
    add_init_cls :: "'v clause ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st"
      "state st = (M, N, U, S') ⟹
        state (add_init_cls C st) = (M, {#C#} + N, U, S')"

locale stateW_adding_init_clause_ops =
    ― ‹functions about the state:›
      ― ‹getter:›
    trail init_clss learned_clss conflicting
      ― ‹setter:›
    cons_trail tl_trail add_learned_cls remove_cls update_conflicting

      ― ‹Some specific states:›
    state_eq :: "'st ⇒ 'st ⇒ bool" (infix "∼" 50) and
    state :: "'st ⇒ ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits × 'v clauses × 'v clauses × 'v clause option ×
      'b" and
    trail :: "'st ⇒ ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits" and
    init_clss :: "'st ⇒ 'v clauses" and
    learned_clss :: "'st ⇒ 'v clauses" and
    conflicting :: "'st ⇒ 'v clause option" and

    cons_trail :: "('v, 'v clause) ann_lit ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and
    tl_trail :: "'st ⇒ 'st" and
    add_learned_cls :: "'v clause ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and
    remove_cls :: "'v clause ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and
    update_conflicting :: "'v clause option ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and

    init_state :: "'v clauses ⇒ 'st" and
    add_init_cls :: "'v clause ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" +
      ‹state S = (trail S, init_clss S, learned_clss S, conflicting S, additional_info S)›

locale stateW_adding_init_clause =
    ― ‹functions about the state:›
      ― ‹getter:›
    trail init_clss learned_clss conflicting
      ― ‹setter:›
    cons_trail tl_trail add_learned_cls remove_cls update_conflicting

      ― ‹Some specific states:›
    init_state add_init_cls
    state_eq :: "'st ⇒ 'st ⇒ bool" (infix "∼" 50) and
    state :: "'st ⇒ ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits × 'v clauses × 'v clauses × 'v clause option ×
      'b" and
    trail :: "'st ⇒ ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits" and
    init_clss :: "'st ⇒ 'v clauses" and
    learned_clss :: "'st ⇒ 'v clauses" and
    conflicting :: "'st ⇒ 'v clause option" and

    cons_trail :: "('v, 'v clause) ann_lit ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and
    tl_trail :: "'st ⇒ 'st" and
    add_learned_cls :: "'v clause ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and
    remove_cls :: "'v clause ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and
    update_conflicting :: "'v clause option ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and

    init_state :: "'v clauses ⇒ 'st" and
    add_init_cls :: "'v clause ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st"

sublocale stateW
  by unfold_locales auto

    "trail (add_init_cls C st) = trail st" and
    "init_clss (add_init_cls C st) = {#C#} + init_clss st"
    "learned_clss (add_init_cls C st) = learned_clss st" and
    "conflicting (add_init_cls C st) = conflicting st"
  using add_init_cls[of st _ _ _ _ C] by (cases "state st"; auto; fail)+

lemma clauses_add_init_cls[simp]:
   "clauses (add_init_cls N S) = {#N#} + init_clss S + learned_clss S"
   unfolding clauses_def by auto

lemma reduce_trail_to_add_init_cls[simp]:
  "trail (reduce_trail_to F (add_init_cls C S)) = trail (reduce_trail_to F S)"
  by (rule trail_eq_reduce_trail_to_eq) auto

lemma conflicting_add_init_cls_iff_conflicting[simp]:
  "conflicting (add_init_cls C S) = None ⟷ conflicting S = None"
  by fastforce+

locale conflict_driven_clause_learning_with_adding_init_clauseW =
    ― ‹functions for the state:›
      ― ‹access functions:›
    trail init_clss learned_clss conflicting
      ― ‹changing state:›
    cons_trail tl_trail add_learned_cls remove_cls update_conflicting

      ― ‹get state:›
      ― ‹Adding a clause:›
    state_eq :: "'st ⇒ 'st ⇒ bool" (infix "∼" 50) and
    state :: "'st ⇒ ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits × 'v clauses × 'v clauses × 'v clause option ×
      'b" and
    trail :: "'st ⇒ ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits" and
    init_clss :: "'st ⇒ 'v clauses" and
    learned_clss :: "'st ⇒ 'v clauses" and
    conflicting :: "'st ⇒ 'v clause option" and

    cons_trail :: "('v, 'v clause) ann_lit ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and
    tl_trail :: "'st ⇒ 'st" and
    add_learned_cls :: "'v clause ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and
    remove_cls :: "'v clause ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and
    update_conflicting :: "'v clause option ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" and

    init_state :: "'v clauses ⇒ 'st" and
    add_init_cls :: "'v clause ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st"

sublocale conflict_driven_clause_learningW
  by unfold_locales

text ‹This invariant holds all the invariant related to the strategy. See the structural invariant
    in @{term cdclW_all_struct_inv}›

text ‹When we add a new clause, we reduce the trail until we get to tho first literal included in C.
  Then we can mark the conflict.›
fun cut_trail_wrt_clause where
"cut_trail_wrt_clause C [] S = S" |
"cut_trail_wrt_clause C (Decided L # M) S =
  (if -L ∈# C then S
    else cut_trail_wrt_clause C M (tl_trail S))" |
"cut_trail_wrt_clause C (Propagated L _ # M) S =
  (if -L ∈# C then S
    else cut_trail_wrt_clause C M (tl_trail S))"

definition add_new_clause_and_update :: "'v clause ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st" where
"add_new_clause_and_update C S =
  (if trail S ⊨as CNot C
  then update_conflicting (Some C) (add_init_cls C
    (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail S) S))
  else add_init_cls C S)"

lemma init_clss_cut_trail_wrt_clause[simp]:
  "init_clss (cut_trail_wrt_clause C M S) = init_clss S"
  by (induction rule: cut_trail_wrt_clause.induct) auto

lemma learned_clss_cut_trail_wrt_clause[simp]:
  "learned_clss (cut_trail_wrt_clause C M S) = learned_clss S"
  by (induction rule: cut_trail_wrt_clause.induct) auto

lemma conflicting_clss_cut_trail_wrt_clause[simp]:
  "conflicting (cut_trail_wrt_clause C M S) = conflicting S"
  by (induction rule: cut_trail_wrt_clause.induct) auto

lemma trail_cut_trail_wrt_clause:
  "∃M.  trail S = M @ trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail S) S)"
proof (induction "trail S" arbitrary: S rule: ann_lit_list_induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Decided L M) note IH = this(1)[of "tl_trail S"] and M = this(2)[symmetric]
  then show ?case using Cons_eq_appendI by fastforce+
  case (Propagated L l M) note IH = this(1)[of "tl_trail S"] and M = this(2)[symmetric]
  then show ?case using Cons_eq_appendI by fastforce+

lemma n_dup_no_dup_trail_cut_trail_wrt_clause[simp]:
  assumes n_d: "no_dup (trail T)"
  shows "no_dup (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))"
proof -
  obtain M where
    M: "trail T = M @ trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T)"
    using trail_cut_trail_wrt_clause[of T C] by auto
  show ?thesis
    using n_d unfolding arg_cong[OF M, of no_dup] by (auto simp: no_dup_def)

lemma cut_trail_wrt_clause_backtrack_lvl_length_decided:
     "backtrack_lvl T = count_decided (trail T)"
    "backtrack_lvl (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T) =
      count_decided (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))"
  using assms
proof (induction "trail T" arbitrary:T rule: ann_lit_list_induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Decided L M) note IH = this(1)[of "tl_trail T"] and M = this(2)[symmetric]
    and bt = this(3)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Propagated L l M) note IH = this(1)[of "tl_trail T"] and M = this(2)[symmetric] and
    bt = this(3)
  then show ?case by auto

lemma cut_trail_wrt_clause_CNot_trail:
  assumes "trail T ⊨as CNot C"
    "(trail ((cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))) ⊨as CNot C"
  using assms
proof (induction "trail T" arbitrary: T rule: ann_lit_list_induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Decided L M) note IH = this(1)[of "tl_trail T"] and M = this(2)[symmetric]
    and bt = this(3)
  show ?case
    proof (cases "count C (-L) = 0")
      case False
      then show ?thesis
        using IH M bt by (auto simp: true_annots_true_cls)
      case True
      obtain mma :: "'v clause" where
        f6: "(mma ∈ {{#- l#} |l. l ∈# C} ⟶ M ⊨a mma) ⟶ M ⊨as {{#- l#} |l. l ∈# C}"
        using true_annots_def by blast
      have "mma ∈ {{#- l#} |l. l ∈# C} ⟶ trail T ⊨a mma"
        using CNot_def M bt by (metis (no_types) true_annots_def)
      then have "M ⊨as {{#- l#} |l. l ∈# C}"
        using f6 True M bt by (force simp: count_eq_zero_iff)
      then show ?thesis
        using IH true_annots_true_cls M by (auto simp: CNot_def)
  case (Propagated L l M) note IH = this(1)[of "tl_trail T"] and M = this(2)[symmetric] and bt = this(3)
  show ?case
    proof (cases "count C (-L) = 0")
      case False
      then show ?thesis
        using IH M bt by (auto simp: true_annots_true_cls)
      case True
      obtain mma :: "'v clause" where
        f6: "(mma ∈ {{#- l#} |l. l ∈# C} ⟶ M ⊨a mma) ⟶ M ⊨as {{#- l#} |l. l ∈# C}"
        using true_annots_def by blast
      have "mma ∈ {{#- l#} |l. l ∈# C} ⟶ trail T ⊨a mma"
        using CNot_def M bt by (metis (no_types) true_annots_def)
      then have "M ⊨as {{#- l#} |l. l ∈# C}"
        using f6 True M bt by (force simp: count_eq_zero_iff)
      then show ?thesis
        using IH true_annots_true_cls M by (auto simp: CNot_def)

lemma cut_trail_wrt_clause_hd_trail_in_or_empty_trail:
  "((∀L ∈#C. -L ∉ lits_of_l (trail T)) ∧ trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T) = [])
    ∨ (-lit_of (hd (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))) ∈# C
       ∧ length (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T)) ≥ 1)"
proof (induction "trail T" arbitrary:T rule: ann_lit_list_induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Decided L M) note IH = this(1)[of "tl_trail T"] and M = this(2)[symmetric]
  then show ?case by simp force
  case (Propagated L l M) note IH = this(1)[of "tl_trail T"] and M = this(2)[symmetric]
  then show ?case by simp force

text ‹We can fully run @{term cdclW_restart_s} or add a clause. Remark that we use @{term cdclW_restart_s} to avoid
an explicit @{term skip}, @{term resolve}, and @{term backtrack} normalisation to get rid of the
conflict @{term C} if possible.›
inductive incremental_cdclW :: "'st ⇒ 'st ⇒ bool" for S where
  "trail S ⊨asm init_clss S ⟹ distinct_mset C ⟹ conflicting S = None ⟹
   trail S ⊨as CNot C ⟹
   full cdclW_stgy
     (update_conflicting (Some C)
       (add_init_cls C (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail S) S))) T ⟹
   incremental_cdclW S T" |
  "trail S ⊨asm init_clss S ⟹ distinct_mset C ⟹ conflicting S = None ⟹
   ¬trail S ⊨as CNot C ⟹
   full cdclW_stgy (add_init_cls C S) T ⟹
   incremental_cdclW S T"

lemma cdclW_all_struct_inv_add_new_clause_and_update_cdclW_all_struct_inv:
    inv_T: "cdclW_all_struct_inv T" and
    tr_T_N[simp]: "trail T ⊨asm N" and
    tr_C[simp]: "trail T ⊨as CNot C" and
    [simp]: "distinct_mset C"
  shows "cdclW_all_struct_inv (add_new_clause_and_update C T)" (is "cdclW_all_struct_inv ?T'")
proof -
  let ?T = "update_conflicting (Some C)
    (add_init_cls C (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))"
  obtain M where
    M: "trail T = M @ trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T)"
      using trail_cut_trail_wrt_clause[of T "C"] by blast
  have H[dest]: "⋀x. x ∈ lits_of_l (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T)) ⟹
    x ∈ lits_of_l (trail T)"
    using inv_T arg_cong[OF M, of lits_of_l] by auto
  have H'[dest]: "⋀x. x ∈ set (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T)) ⟹
    x ∈ set (trail T)"
    using inv_T arg_cong[OF M, of set] by auto

  have H_proped:"⋀x. x ∈ set (get_all_mark_of_propagated (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C
   (trail T) T))) ⟹ x ∈ set (get_all_mark_of_propagated (trail T))"
  using inv_T arg_cong[OF M, of get_all_mark_of_propagated] by auto

  have [simp]: "no_strange_atm ?T"
    using inv_T unfolding cdclW_all_struct_inv_def no_strange_atm_def add_new_clause_and_update_def
    cdclW_M_level_inv_def by (auto 20 1)
  have M_lev: "cdclW_M_level_inv T"
    using inv_T unfolding cdclW_all_struct_inv_def by blast
  then have "no_dup (M @ trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))"
    unfolding cdclW_M_level_inv_def unfolding M[symmetric] by auto
  then have [simp]: "no_dup (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))"
    by (auto simp: no_dup_def)

  have "consistent_interp (lits_of_l (M @ trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T)))"
    using M_lev unfolding cdclW_M_level_inv_def unfolding M[symmetric] by auto
  then have [simp]: "consistent_interp (lits_of_l (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C
    (trail T) T)))"
    unfolding consistent_interp_def by auto

  have [simp]: "cdclW_M_level_inv ?T"
    using M_lev unfolding cdclW_M_level_inv_def
    by (auto simp: M_lev cdclW_M_level_inv_def cut_trail_wrt_clause_backtrack_lvl_length_decided)

  have [simp]: "⋀s. s ∈# learned_clss T ⟹ ¬tautology s"
    using inv_T unfolding cdclW_all_struct_inv_def by auto

  have "distinct_cdclW_state T"
    using inv_T unfolding cdclW_all_struct_inv_def by auto
  then have [simp]: "distinct_cdclW_state ?T"
    unfolding distinct_cdclW_state_def by auto

  have "cdclW_conflicting T"
    using inv_T unfolding cdclW_all_struct_inv_def by auto
  have "trail ?T ⊨as CNot C"
     by (simp add: cut_trail_wrt_clause_CNot_trail)
  then have [simp]: "cdclW_conflicting ?T"
    unfolding cdclW_conflicting_def apply simp
    by (metis M ‹cdclW_conflicting T› append_assoc cdclW_conflicting_decomp(2))

    decomp_T: "all_decomposition_implies_m (clauses T) (get_all_ann_decomposition (trail T))"
    using inv_T unfolding cdclW_all_struct_inv_def by auto
  have "all_decomposition_implies_m (clauses ?T) (get_all_ann_decomposition (trail ?T))"
    unfolding all_decomposition_implies_def
    proof clarify
      fix a b
      assume "(a, b) ∈ set (get_all_ann_decomposition (trail ?T))"
      from in_get_all_ann_decomposition_in_get_all_ann_decomposition_prepend[OF this, of M]
      obtain b' where
        "(a, b' @ b) ∈ set (get_all_ann_decomposition (trail T))"
        using M by auto
      then have "unmark_l a ∪ set_mset (clauses T) ⊨ps unmark_l (b' @ b)"
        using decomp_T unfolding all_decomposition_implies_def by fastforce
      then have "unmark_l a ∪ set_mset (clauses ?T) ⊨ps unmark_l (b' @ b)"
        by (simp add: clauses_def)
      then show "unmark_l a ∪ set_mset (clauses ?T) ⊨ps unmark_l b"
        by (auto simp: image_Un)

  have [simp]: "cdclW_learned_clause ?T"
    using inv_T unfolding cdclW_all_struct_inv_def cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def
    by (auto dest!: H_proped simp: clauses_def)
  show ?thesis
    using ‹all_decomposition_implies_m (clauses ?T) (get_all_ann_decomposition (trail ?T))›
    unfolding cdclW_all_struct_inv_def by (auto simp: add_new_clause_and_update_def)

lemma cdclW_all_struct_inv_add_new_clause_and_update_cdclW_stgy_inv:
    inv_s: "cdclW_stgy_invariant T" and
    inv: "cdclW_all_struct_inv T" and
    tr_T_N[simp]: "trail T ⊨asm N" and
    tr_C[simp]: "trail T ⊨as CNot C" and
    [simp]: "distinct_mset C"
  shows "cdclW_stgy_invariant (add_new_clause_and_update C T)"
    (is "cdclW_stgy_invariant ?T'")
proof -
  have "cdclW_all_struct_inv ?T'"
    using cdclW_all_struct_inv_add_new_clause_and_update_cdclW_all_struct_inv assms by blast
  then have
    no_dup_cut_T[simp]: "no_dup (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))" and
    n_d[simp]: "no_dup (trail T)"
    using cdclW_M_level_inv_decomp(2) cdclW_all_struct_inv_def inv
    n_dup_no_dup_trail_cut_trail_wrt_clause by blast+
  then have "trail (add_new_clause_and_update C T) ⊨as CNot C"
    by (simp add: add_new_clause_and_update_def cut_trail_wrt_clause_CNot_trail
      cdclW_M_level_inv_def cdclW_all_struct_inv_def)
  obtain MT where
    MT: "trail T = MT @  trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T)"
    using trail_cut_trail_wrt_clause by blast
      (false) "∀L∈#C. - L ∉ lits_of_l (trail T)" and
        "trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T) = []" |
        "- lit_of (hd (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))) ∈# C" and
        "1 ≤ length (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))"
    using cut_trail_wrt_clause_hd_trail_in_or_empty_trail[of "C" T] by auto
  then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case false note C = this(1) and empty_tr = this(2)
      then have [simp]: "C = {#}"
        by (simp add: in_CNot_implies_uminus(2) multiset_eqI)
      show ?thesis
        using empty_tr unfolding cdclW_stgy_invariant_def no_smaller_confl_def
        cdclW_all_struct_inv_def by (auto simp: add_new_clause_and_update_def)
      case not_false note C = this(1) and l = this(2)
      let ?L = "- lit_of (hd (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T)))"
      have L: "get_level (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T)) (-?L)
        = count_decided (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))"
        apply (cases "trail (add_init_cls C
            (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))";
         cases "hd (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))")
        using l by (auto split: if_split_asm
          simp:rev_swap[symmetric] add_new_clause_and_update_def)

      have L': "count_decided(trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C
        (trail T) T))
        = backtrack_lvl (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T)"
        using ‹cdclW_all_struct_inv ?T'› unfolding cdclW_all_struct_inv_def cdclW_M_level_inv_def
        by (auto simp:add_new_clause_and_update_def)

      have [simp]: "no_smaller_confl (update_conflicting (Some C)
        (add_init_cls C (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T)))"
        unfolding no_smaller_confl_def
      proof (clarify, goal_cases)
        case (1 M K M' D)
        then consider
            (DC) "D = C"
          | (D_T) "D ∈# clauses T"
          by (auto simp: clauses_def split: if_split_asm)
        then show False
          proof cases
            case D_T
            have "no_smaller_confl T"
              using inv_s unfolding cdclW_stgy_invariant_def by auto
            have "trail T = (MT @ M') @ Decided K # M"
              using MT 1(1) by auto
            then show False
              using D_T ‹no_smaller_confl T› 1(3) unfolding no_smaller_confl_def by blast
            case DC note _[simp] = this
            then have "atm_of (-?L) ∈ atm_of ` (lits_of_l M)"
              using 1(3) C in_CNot_implies_uminus(2) by blast
              have "lit_of (hd (M' @ Decided K # [])) = -?L"
                using l 1(1)[symmetric] inv
                by (cases M', cases "trail (add_init_cls C
                    (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))")
                (auto dest!: arg_cong[of "_ # _" _ hd] simp: hd_append cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
              from arg_cong[OF this, of atm_of]
              have "atm_of (-?L) ∈ atm_of ` (lits_of_l (M' @ Decided K # []))"
                by (cases " (M' @ Decided K # [])") auto
            moreover have "no_dup (trail (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail T) T))"
              using ‹cdclW_all_struct_inv ?T'› unfolding cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
              cdclW_M_level_inv_def by (auto simp: add_new_clause_and_update_def)
            ultimately show False
              unfolding 1(1)[simplified] by (auto simp: lits_of_def no_dup_def)
      show ?thesis using L L' C
        unfolding cdclW_stgy_invariant_def cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
        by (auto simp: add_new_clause_and_update_def get_level_def count_decided_def intro: rev_bexI)

lemma incremental_cdclW_inv:
    inc: "incremental_cdclW S T" and
    inv: "cdclW_all_struct_inv S" and
    s_inv: "cdclW_stgy_invariant S" and
    learned_entailed: ‹cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init S›
    "cdclW_all_struct_inv T" and
    "cdclW_stgy_invariant T" and
    learned_entailed: ‹cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init T›
  using inc
proof induction
  case (add_confl C T)
  let ?T = "(update_conflicting (Some C) (add_init_cls C
    (cut_trail_wrt_clause C (trail S) S)))"
  have inv': "cdclW_all_struct_inv ?T" and inv_s_T: "cdclW_stgy_invariant ?T"
    using add_confl.hyps(1,2,4) add_new_clause_and_update_def
    cdclW_all_struct_inv_add_new_clause_and_update_cdclW_all_struct_inv inv apply auto[1]
    using add_confl.hyps(1,2,4) add_new_clause_and_update_def
    cdclW_all_struct_inv_add_new_clause_and_update_cdclW_stgy_inv inv s_inv by auto
  case 1 show ?case
     by (metis add_confl.hyps(1,2,4,5) add_new_clause_and_update_def
       rtranclp_cdclW_all_struct_inv_inv rtranclp_cdclW_stgy_rtranclp_cdclW_restart full_def inv)

  case 2 show ?case
    by (metis inv_s_T add_confl.hyps(1,2,4,5) add_new_clause_and_update_def
      cdclW_all_struct_inv_add_new_clause_and_update_cdclW_all_struct_inv full_def inv

  case 3 show ?case
    using learned_entailed rtranclp_cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed[of ?T T]  add_confl inv'
    unfolding cdclW_all_struct_inv_def full_def
    by (auto simp: cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init_def
        dest!: rtranclp_cdclW_stgy_rtranclp_cdclW_restart)
  case (add_no_confl C T)
  have inv': "cdclW_all_struct_inv (add_init_cls C S)"
    using inv ‹distinct_mset C› unfolding cdclW_all_struct_inv_def no_strange_atm_def
    cdclW_M_level_inv_def distinct_cdclW_state_def cdclW_conflicting_def cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def
    by (auto 9 1 simp: all_decomposition_implies_insert_single clauses_def)
    (* SLOW ~2s *)
  case 1
  show ?case
    using inv' add_no_confl(5) unfolding full_def by (auto intro: rtranclp_cdclW_stgy_cdclW_all_struct_inv)

  case 2
  have nc: "∀M. (∃K i M'. trail S = M' @ Decided K # M) ⟶ ¬ M ⊨as CNot C"
    using ‹¬ trail S ⊨as CNot C›
    by (auto simp: true_annots_true_cls_def_iff_negation_in_model)

  have "cdclW_stgy_invariant (add_init_cls C S)"
    using s_inv ‹¬ trail S ⊨as CNot C› inv unfolding cdclW_stgy_invariant_def
    no_smaller_confl_def eq_commute[of "_" "trail _"] cdclW_M_level_inv_def cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
    by (auto simp: clauses_def nc)
  then show ?case
    by (metis ‹cdclW_all_struct_inv (add_init_cls C S)› add_no_confl.hyps(5) full_def

  case 3
  have ‹cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init (add_init_cls C S)›
    using learned_entailed by (auto simp: cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init_def)
  then show ?case
    using add_no_confl(5) learned_entailed rtranclp_cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed[of _ T]  add_confl inv'
    unfolding cdclW_all_struct_inv_def full_def
    by (auto simp: cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init_def
        dest!: rtranclp_cdclW_stgy_rtranclp_cdclW_restart)

lemma rtranclp_incremental_cdclW_inv:
    inc: "incremental_cdclW** S T" and
    inv: "cdclW_all_struct_inv S" and
    s_inv: "cdclW_stgy_invariant S" and
    learned_entailed: ‹cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init S›
    "cdclW_all_struct_inv T" and
    "cdclW_stgy_invariant T" and
    ‹cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init T›
     using inc apply induction
    using inv apply simp
   using s_inv apply simp
   using learned_entailed apply simp
  using incremental_cdclW_inv by blast+

lemma incremental_conclusive_state: 
    inc: "incremental_cdclW S T" and
    inv: "cdclW_all_struct_inv S" and
    s_inv: "cdclW_stgy_invariant S" and
    learned_entailed: ‹cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init S›
  shows "conflicting T = Some {#} ∧ unsatisfiable (set_mset (init_clss T))
    ∨ conflicting T = None ∧ trail T ⊨asm init_clss T ∧ satisfiable (set_mset (init_clss T))"
  using inc
proof induction
  case (add_confl C T) note tr = this(1) and dist = this(2) and conf = this(3) and C = this(4) and
  full = this(5)
  (* Here I thank Sledgehammer for its invaluable services *)
  have "full cdclW_stgy T T"
    using full unfolding full_def by auto
  then show ?case
    using C conf dist full incremental_cdclW.add_confl incremental_cdclW_inv
      incremental_cdclW_inv inv learned_entailed
      ‹full cdclW_stgy T T› full_cdclW_stgy_inv_normal_form
      s_inv tr by blast
  case (add_no_confl C T) note tr = this(1) and dist = this(2) and conf = this(3) and C = this(4)
    and full = this(5)
  (* Here I thank Sledgehammer for its invaluable services *)
  have "full cdclW_stgy T T"
    using full unfolding full_def by auto
  then show ?case
    using ‹full cdclW_stgy T T› full_cdclW_stgy_inv_normal_form C conf dist full
      incremental_cdclW.add_no_confl incremental_cdclW_inv inv learned_entailed
      s_inv tr by blast

lemma tranclp_incremental_correct:
    inc: "incremental_cdclW++ S T" and
    inv: "cdclW_all_struct_inv S" and
    s_inv: "cdclW_stgy_invariant S" and
    learned_entailed: ‹cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init S›
  shows "conflicting T = Some {#} ∧ unsatisfiable (set_mset (init_clss T))
    ∨ conflicting T = None ∧ trail T ⊨asm init_clss T ∧ satisfiable (set_mset (init_clss T))"
  using inc apply induction
   using assms incremental_conclusive_state apply blast
  by (meson incremental_conclusive_state inv rtranclp_incremental_cdclW_inv s_inv
    tranclp_into_rtranclp learned_entailed)

