Theory IICF_Array_List64

theory IICF_Array_List64
imports Array_UInt
theory IICF_Array_List64

type_synonym 'a array_list64 = "'a Heap.array × uint64"

definition "is_array_list64 l ≡ λ(a,n). ∃Al'. a ↦a l' * ↑(nat_of_uint64 n ≤ length l' ∧ l = take (nat_of_uint64 n) l' ∧ length l'>0 ∧ nat_of_uint64 n ≤ uint64_max ∧ length l' ≤ uint64_max)"

lemma is_array_list64_prec[safe_constraint_rules]: "precise is_array_list64"
  unfolding is_array_list64_def[abs_def]
  apply(rule preciseI)
  apply(simp split: prod.splits)
	using preciseD snga_prec by fastforce

definition "arl64_empty ≡ do {
  a ← initial_capacity default;
  return (a,0)

definition "arl64_empty_sz init_cap ≡ do {
  a ← (min uint64_max (max init_cap minimum_capacity)) default;
  return (a,0)

definition uint64_max_uint64 :: uint64 where
  ‹uint64_max_uint64 = 2 ^64 - 1›

definition "arl64_append ≡ λ(a,n) x. do {
  len ← length_u64_code a;

  if n<len then do {
    a ← Array_upd_u64 n x a;
    return (a,n+1)
  } else do {
    let newcap = (if len < uint64_max_uint64 >> 1 then 2 * len else uint64_max_uint64);
    a ← array_grow a (nat_of_uint64 newcap) default;
    a ← Array_upd_u64 n x a;
    return (a,n+1)

definition "arl64_copy ≡ λ(a,n). do {
  a ← array_copy a;
  return (a,n)

definition arl64_length :: "'a::heap array_list64 ⇒ uint64 Heap" where
  "arl64_length ≡ λ(a,n). return (n)"

definition arl64_is_empty :: "'a::heap array_list64 ⇒ bool Heap" where
  "arl64_is_empty ≡ λ(a,n). return (n=0)"

definition arl64_last :: "'a::heap array_list64 ⇒ 'a Heap" where
  "arl64_last ≡ λ(a,n). do {
    nth_u64_code a (n - 1)

definition arl64_butlast :: "'a::heap array_list64 ⇒ 'a array_list64 Heap" where
  "arl64_butlast ≡ λ(a,n). do {
    let n = n - 1;
    len ← length_u64_code a;
    if (n*4 < len ∧ nat_of_uint64 n*2≥minimum_capacity) then do {
      a ← array_shrink a (nat_of_uint64 n*2);
      return (a,n)
    } else
      return (a,n)

definition arl64_get :: "'a::heap array_list64 ⇒ uint64 ⇒ 'a Heap" where
  "arl64_get ≡ λ(a,n) i. nth_u64_code a i"

definition arl64_set :: "'a::heap array_list64 ⇒ uint64 ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a array_list64 Heap" where
  "arl64_set ≡ λ(a,n) i x. do { a ← heap_array_set_u64 a i x; return (a,n)}"

lemma arl64_empty_rule[sep_heap_rules]: "< emp > arl64_empty <is_array_list64 []>"
  by (sep_auto simp: arl64_empty_def is_array_list64_def initial_capacity_def uint64_max_def)

lemma arl64_empty_sz_rule[sep_heap_rules]: "< emp > arl64_empty_sz N <is_array_list64 []>"
  by (sep_auto simp: arl64_empty_sz_def is_array_list64_def minimum_capacity_def uint64_max_def)

lemma arl64_copy_rule[sep_heap_rules]: "< is_array_list64 l a > arl64_copy a <λr. is_array_list64 l a * is_array_list64 l r>"
  by (sep_auto simp: arl64_copy_def is_array_list64_def)
lemma [simp]: ‹nat_of_uint64 uint64_max_uint64 = uint64_max›
  by (auto simp:  nat_of_uint64_mult_le nat_of_uint64_shiftl uint64_max_uint64_def uint64_max_def)[]
lemma ‹2 * (uint64_max div 2) = uint64_max - 1›
  by (auto simp:  nat_of_uint64_mult_le nat_of_uint64_shiftl uint64_max_uint64_def uint64_max_def)[]

lemma nat_of_uint64_0_iff: ‹nat_of_uint64 x2 = 0 ⟷ x2 = 0›
  using word_nat_of_uint64_Rep_inject by fastforce

lemma arl64_append_rule[sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes ‹length l < uint64_max›
  shows "< is_array_list64 l a >
      arl64_append a x
    <λa. is_array_list64 (l@[x]) a >t"
proof -
  have [simp]: ‹⋀x1 x2 y ys.
       x2 < uint64_of_nat ys ⟹
       nat_of_uint64 x2 ≤ ys ⟹
       ys ≤ uint64_max ⟹ nat_of_uint64 x2 < ys›
    by (metis nat_of_uint64_less_iff nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id)
  have [simp]: ‹⋀x2 ys. x2 < uint64_of_nat (Suc (ys)) ⟹
       Suc (ys) ≤ uint64_max ⟹
       nat_of_uint64 (x2 + 1) = 1 + nat_of_uint64 x2›
     by (smt ab_semigroup_add_class.add.commute le_neq_implies_less less_or_eq_imp_le
         less_trans_Suc linorder_neqE_nat nat_of_uint64_012(3) nat_of_uint64_add
          nat_of_uint64_less_iff nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id not_less_eq plus_1_eq_Suc)
  have [dest]: ‹⋀x2a x2 ys. x2 < uint64_of_nat (Suc (ys)) ⟹
       Suc (ys) ≤ uint64_max ⟹
       nat_of_uint64 x2 = Suc x2a ⟹Suc x2a ≤ ys›
    by (metis less_Suc_eq_le nat_of_uint64_less_iff nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id)
  have [simp]: ‹⋀ys. ys ≤ uint64_max ⟹
       uint64_of_nat ys ≤ uint64_max_uint64 >> Suc 0 ⟹
       nat_of_uint64 (2 * uint64_of_nat ys) = 2 * ys›
   by (subst (asm) nat_of_uint64_le_iff[symmetric])
    (auto simp: nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id uint64_max_uint64_def uint64_max_def nat_of_uint64_shiftl
  have [simp]: ‹⋀ys. ys ≤ uint64_max ⟹
       uint64_of_nat ys ≤ uint64_max_uint64 >> Suc 0 ⟷ ys ≤ uint64_max div 2›
   by (subst nat_of_uint64_le_iff[symmetric])
    (auto simp: nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id uint64_max_uint64_def uint64_max_def nat_of_uint64_shiftl
  have [simp]: ‹⋀ys. ys ≤ uint64_max ⟹
       uint64_of_nat ys < uint64_max_uint64 >> Suc 0 ⟷ ys < uint64_max div 2›
   by (subst nat_of_uint64_less_iff[symmetric])
    (auto simp: nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id uint64_max_uint64_def uint64_max_def nat_of_uint64_shiftl

  show ?thesis
    using assms
    apply (sep_auto
      simp: arl64_append_def is_array_list64_def take_update_last neq_Nil_conv nat_of_uint64_mult_le
        length_u64_code_def  min_def nat_of_uint64_add nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id
    take_Suc_conv_app_nth list_update_append nat_of_uint64_0_iff
      split: if_split
      split: prod.splits nat.split)
  apply (subst Array_upd_u64_def)
apply (sep_auto
      simp: arl64_append_def is_array_list64_def take_update_last neq_Nil_conv nat_of_uint64_mult_le
        length_u64_code_def  min_def nat_of_uint64_add nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id
        take_Suc_conv_app_nth list_update_append
      split: if_split
      split: prod.splits nat.split)
apply (sep_auto
      simp: arl64_append_def is_array_list64_def take_update_last neq_Nil_conv nat_of_uint64_mult_le
        length_u64_code_def  min_def nat_of_uint64_add nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id
        take_Suc_conv_app_nth list_update_append
      split: if_split
      split: prod.splits nat.split)
apply (sep_auto
      simp: arl64_append_def is_array_list64_def take_update_last neq_Nil_conv nat_of_uint64_mult_le
        length_u64_code_def  min_def nat_of_uint64_add nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id
        take_Suc_conv_app_nth list_update_append
      split: if_split
      split: prod.splits nat.split)
  apply (subst Array_upd_u64_def)
apply (sep_auto
      simp: arl64_append_def is_array_list64_def take_update_last neq_Nil_conv nat_of_uint64_mult_le
        length_u64_code_def  min_def nat_of_uint64_add nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id
        take_Suc_conv_app_nth list_update_append
      split: if_split
      split: prod.splits nat.split)
apply (sep_auto
      simp: arl64_append_def is_array_list64_def take_update_last neq_Nil_conv nat_of_uint64_mult_le
        length_u64_code_def  min_def nat_of_uint64_add nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id
        take_Suc_conv_app_nth list_update_append
      split: if_split
      split: prod.splits nat.split)
apply (sep_auto
      simp: arl64_append_def is_array_list64_def take_update_last neq_Nil_conv nat_of_uint64_mult_le
        length_u64_code_def  min_def nat_of_uint64_add nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id
        take_Suc_conv_app_nth list_update_append
      split: if_split
      split: prod.splits nat.split)
  apply (subst Array_upd_u64_def)
apply (rule frame_rule)
apply (rule upd_rule)
apply (sep_auto
      simp: arl64_append_def is_array_list64_def take_update_last neq_Nil_conv nat_of_uint64_mult_le
        length_u64_code_def  min_def nat_of_uint64_add nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id
        take_Suc_conv_app_nth list_update_append nat_of_uint64_0_iff
      split: if_splits
      split: prod.splits nat.split)
apply (sep_auto
      simp: arl64_append_def is_array_list64_def take_update_last neq_Nil_conv nat_of_uint64_mult_le
        length_u64_code_def  min_def nat_of_uint64_add nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id
        take_Suc_conv_app_nth list_update_append
      split: if_splits
    split: prod.splits nat.split)

lemma arl64_length_rule[sep_heap_rules]: "
  <is_array_list64 l a>
    arl64_length a
  <λr. is_array_list64 l a * ↑(nat_of_uint64 r=length l)>"
  by (sep_auto simp: arl64_length_def is_array_list64_def)

lemma arl64_is_empty_rule[sep_heap_rules]: "
  <is_array_list64 l a>
    arl64_is_empty a
  <λr. is_array_list64 l a * ↑(r⟷(l=[]))>"
  by (sep_auto simp: arl64_is_empty_def nat_of_uint64_0_iff is_array_list64_def)

lemma arl64_last_rule[sep_heap_rules]: "
  l≠[] ⟹
  <is_array_list64 l a>
    arl64_last a
  <λr. is_array_list64 l a * ↑(r=last l)>"
  by (sep_auto simp: arl64_last_def is_array_list64_def nth_u64_code_def Array.nth'_def last_take_nth_conv
    nat_of_integer_integer_of_nat nat_of_uint64_ge_minus  nat_of_uint64_le_iff[symmetric]
    simp flip: nat_of_uint64_code)

lemma arl64_get_rule[sep_heap_rules]: "
  i<length l ⟹ (i', i) ∈ uint64_nat_rel ⟹
  <is_array_list64 l a>
    arl64_get a i'
  <λr. is_array_list64 l a * ↑(r=l!i)>"
  by (sep_auto simp: arl64_get_def nth_u64_code_def is_array_list64_def uint64_nat_rel_def
   Array.nth'_def br_def split: prod.split simp flip: nat_of_uint64_code)

lemma arl64_set_rule[sep_heap_rules]: "
  i<length l ⟹ (i', i) ∈ uint64_nat_rel ⟹
  <is_array_list64 l a>
    arl64_set a i' x
  <is_array_list64 (l[i:=x])>"
  by (sep_auto simp: arl64_set_def is_array_list64_def heap_array_set_u64_def  uint64_nat_rel_def
   heap_array_set'_u64_def br_def Array.upd'_def split: prod.split simp flip: nat_of_uint64_code)

definition "arl64_assn A ≡ hr_comp is_array_list64 (⟨the_pure A⟩list_rel)"
lemmas [safe_constraint_rules] = CN_FALSEI[of is_pure "arl64_assn A" for A]

lemma arl64_assn_comp: "is_pure A ⟹ hr_comp (arl64_assn A) (⟨B⟩list_rel) = arl64_assn (hr_comp A B)"
  unfolding arl64_assn_def
  by (auto simp: hr_comp_the_pure hr_comp_assoc list_rel_compp)

lemma arl64_assn_comp': "hr_comp (arl64_assn id_assn) (⟨B⟩list_rel) = arl64_assn (pure B)"
  by (simp add: arl64_assn_comp)

  notes [fcomp_norm_unfold] = arl64_assn_def[symmetric] arl64_assn_comp'
  notes [intro!] = hfrefI hn_refineI[THEN hn_refine_preI]
  notes [simp] = pure_def hn_ctxt_def invalid_assn_def

  lemma arl64_empty_hnr_aux: "(uncurry0 arl64_empty,uncurry0 (RETURN op_list_empty)) ∈ unit_assnka is_array_list64"
    by sep_auto
  sepref_decl_impl (no_register) arl64_empty: arl64_empty_hnr_aux .

  lemma arl64_empty_sz_hnr_aux: "(uncurry0 (arl64_empty_sz N),uncurry0 (RETURN op_list_empty)) ∈ unit_assnka is_array_list64"
    by sep_auto

  sepref_decl_impl (no_register) arl64_empty_sz: arl64_empty_sz_hnr_aux .

  definition "op_arl64_empty ≡ op_list_empty"
  definition "op_arl64_empty_sz (N::nat) ≡ op_list_empty"

  lemma arl64_copy_hnr_aux: "(arl64_copy,RETURN o op_list_copy) ∈ is_array_list64ka is_array_list64"
    by sep_auto
  sepref_decl_impl arl64_copy: arl64_copy_hnr_aux .

  lemma arl64_append_hnr_aux: "(uncurry arl64_append,uncurry (RETURN oo op_list_append)) ∈ [λ(xs, x). length xs < uint64_max]a (is_array_list64d *a id_assnk) → is_array_list64"
    by sep_auto
  sepref_decl_impl arl64_append: arl64_append_hnr_aux
    unfolding fref_param1 by (auto intro!: frefI nres_relI simp: list_rel_imp_same_length)

  lemma arl64_length_hnr_aux: "(arl64_length,RETURN o op_list_length) ∈ is_array_list64ka uint64_nat_assn"
    by (sep_auto simp: uint64_nat_rel_def br_def)
  sepref_decl_impl arl64_length: arl64_length_hnr_aux .

  lemma arl64_is_empty_hnr_aux: "(arl64_is_empty,RETURN o op_list_is_empty) ∈ is_array_list64ka bool_assn"
    by sep_auto
  sepref_decl_impl arl64_is_empty: arl64_is_empty_hnr_aux .

  lemma arl64_last_hnr_aux: "(arl64_last,RETURN o op_list_last) ∈ [pre_list_last]a is_array_list64k → id_assn"
    by sep_auto
  sepref_decl_impl arl64_last: arl64_last_hnr_aux .

(*  lemma arl64_butlast_hnr_aux: "(arl64_butlast,RETURN o op_list_butlast) ∈ [pre_list_butlast]a is_array_list64d → is_array_list64"
    by sep_auto
  sepref_decl_impl arl64_butlast: arl64_butlast_hnr_aux . *)

  lemma arl64_get_hnr_aux: "(uncurry arl64_get,uncurry (RETURN oo op_list_get)) ∈ [λ(l,i). i<length l]a (is_array_list64k *a uint64_nat_assnk) → id_assn"
    by sep_auto
  sepref_decl_impl arl64_get: arl64_get_hnr_aux .

  lemma arl64_set_hnr_aux: "(uncurry2 arl64_set,uncurry2 (RETURN ooo op_list_set)) ∈ [λ((l,i),_). i<length l]a (is_array_list64d *a uint64_nat_assnk *a id_assnk) → is_array_list64"
    by sep_auto
  sepref_decl_impl arl64_set: arl64_set_hnr_aux .

  sepref_definition arl64_swap is "uncurry2 mop_list_swap" :: "((arl64_assn id_assn)d *a uint64_nat_assnk *a uint64_nat_assnka arl64_assn id_assn)"
    unfolding gen_mop_list_swap[abs_def]
    by sepref
  sepref_decl_impl (ismop) arl64_swap: arl64_swap.refine .

interpretation arl64: list_custom_empty "arl64_assn A" arl64_empty op_arl64_empty
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule arl64_empty_hnr)
  by (auto simp: op_arl64_empty_def)

lemma [def_pat_rules]: "op_arl64_empty_sz$N ≡ UNPROTECT (op_arl64_empty_sz N)" by simp

interpretation arl64_sz: list_custom_empty "arl64_assn A" "arl64_empty_sz N" "PR_CONST (op_arl64_empty_sz N)"
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule arl64_empty_sz_hnr)
  by (auto simp: op_arl64_empty_sz_def)

definition arl64_to_arl_conv where
  ‹arl64_to_arl_conv S = S›

definition arl64_to_arl :: ‹'a array_list64 ⇒ 'a array_list› where
  ‹arl64_to_arl = (λ(xs, n). (xs, nat_of_uint64 n))›

lemma arl64_to_arl_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  ‹(return o arl64_to_arl, RETURN o arl64_to_arl_conv) ∈ (arl64_assn R)da arl_assn R›
  by (sepref_to_hoare)
   (sep_auto simp: arl64_to_arl_def arl64_to_arl_conv_def arl_assn_def arl64_assn_def is_array_list64_def
     is_array_list_def hr_comp_def)

definition arl64_take where
  ‹arl64_take n = (λ(xs, _). (xs, n))›

lemma arl64_take[sepref_fr_rules]:
  ‹(uncurry (return oo arl64_take), uncurry (RETURN oo take)) ∈
    [λ(n, xs). n ≤ length xs]a uint64_nat_assnk *a (arl64_assn R)d → arl64_assn R›
  by (sepref_to_hoare)
    (sep_auto simp: arl64_assn_def arl64_take_def is_array_list64_def hr_comp_def
      uint64_nat_rel_def br_def list_rel_def list_all2_conv_all_nth)
definition arl64_of_arl :: ‹'a list ⇒ 'a list› where
  ‹arl64_of_arl S = S›

definition arl64_of_arl_code :: ‹'a :: heap array_list ⇒ 'a array_list64 Heap› where
  ‹arl64_of_arl_code = (λ(a, n). do {
    m ← Array.len a;
    if m > uint64_max then do {
        a ← array_shrink a uint64_max;
        return (a, (uint64_of_nat n))}
   else return (a, (uint64_of_nat n))})›

lemma arl64_of_arl[sepref_fr_rules]:
  ‹(arl64_of_arl_code, RETURN o arl64_of_arl) ∈ [λn. length n ≤ uint64_max]a (arl_assn R)d → arl64_assn R›
proof -
  have [iff]: ‹take uint64_max l' = [] ⟷ l' = []› ‹0 < uint64_max› for l'
    by (auto simp: uint64_max_def)
  have H: ‹x2 ≤ length l' ⟹
       (take x2 l', x) ∈ ⟨the_pure R⟩list_rel ⟹ length x = x2›
      ‹x2 ≤ length l' ⟹
       (take x2 l', x) ∈ ⟨the_pure R⟩list_rel ⟹ take (length x) = take x2› for x x2 l'
    subgoal H by (auto dest: list_rel_imp_same_length)
    subgoal using H by blast
  show ?thesis
    by sepref_to_hoare
      (sep_auto simp: arl_assn_def arl64_assn_def is_array_list_def is_array_list64_def hr_comp_def arl64_of_arl_def
       arl64_of_arl_code_def nat_of_uint64_code[symmetric] nat_of_uint64_uint64_of_nat_id
       H min_def
     split: prod.splits if_splits)

definition arl_nat_of_uint64_conv :: ‹nat list ⇒ nat list› where
‹arl_nat_of_uint64_conv S = S›

lemma arl_nat_of_uint64_conv_alt_def:
  ‹arl_nat_of_uint64_conv = map nat_of_uint64_conv›
  unfolding nat_of_uint64_conv_def arl_nat_of_uint64_conv_def by auto

sepref_definition arl_nat_of_uint64_code
  is array_nat_of_uint64
  :: ‹(arl_assn uint64_nat_assn)ka arl_assn nat_assn›
  unfolding op_map_def array_nat_of_uint64_def arl_fold_custom_replicate
  apply (rewrite at ‹do {let _ = ⌑; _}› annotate_assn[where A=‹arl_assn nat_assn›])
  by sepref

lemma arl_nat_of_uint64_conv_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  ‹(arl_nat_of_uint64_code, (RETURN ∘ arl_nat_of_uint64_conv))
    ∈ (arl_assn uint64_nat_assn)ka arl_assn nat_assn›
  using arl_nat_of_uint64_code.refine[unfolded array_nat_of_uint64_def,
    FCOMP op_map_map_rel[unfolded convert_fref]] unfolding arl_nat_of_uint64_conv_alt_def
  by simp
