On this page, I list all my talks and slides. Remark that several
talks are impossible to understand without me talking (this is half of
the point of the talk: someone is talking).
- Mathias Fleury and Bruno Andreotti Alethe, A flexible proof format with fine-grained steps
- Mathias Fleury, in front the Professors (informal talk, towards the habilitation)
- Mathias Fleury and Peter Lammich, Porting IsaSAT to LLVM (and Inprocessing)
- Mathias Fleury, MDX Isabelle Summer School
- Mathias Fleury, Verifying Solvers: How Much Do You Want to Prove?
- Mathias Fleury, Discussion: How to compare techniques in solvers? And how to write such a solver? (work-in-progress with Armin Biere and Karem Sakallah)
- Mathias Fleury and Armin Biere, Efficient All-UIP Learned Clause Minimization.
- Mathias Fleury and Christoph Weidenbach. A Verified SAT Solver Framework including Optimization and Partial Valuations
- Armin Biere and Mathias Fleury, Chasing Target Phases
POS'20 |
slides |
11th Workshop on Pragmatics of SAT (POS'20) |
video |
- Mathias Fleury, One Thousand and One Refinement: From CDCL to a Verified SAT Solver
- Reconstructing veriT proofs in Isabelle/HOL
UPSCaLe meeting |
slides |
Paris, November 29, 2019 |
- Fleury and Weidenbach, Extending an Isabelle Formalisation of CDCL to Optimising CDCL
- Blanchette, Fleury, Lammich, and Weidenbach, A Verified SAT Solver with Watched Literals Using Imperative HOL
- Fleury, Blanchette, and Fleury, A Verified SAT Solver with Watched Literals Using Imperative HOL (Extended Abstract)
- Blanchette, Fleury, and Traytel, Nested Multisets, Hereditary Multisets, and Syntactic Ordinals in Isabelle/HOL
- Blanchette, Fleury, Lammich, and Weidenbach, A Verified SAT Solver with Watched Literals Using Imperative HOL
- Blanchette, Fleury, and Weidenbach, A Verified SAT Solver Framework
- Fleury, Formalisation of Ground Inference Systems in Isabelle